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What do you consider the most romantic accent?

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Not just any old British accent, it has to be from the south. Can't understand that lot from up north.

lol my neighbor was from the north of England and I couldn't understand a word she said btw go Leeds Rhinos.


I like the German accent.

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My doctor has a super sexy accent. He's from South Africa and trilingual. Some blissful mix of english, french, and spanish.


It's deadly sexy.


Jo'burg seems to make for excellent doctors too.


edit: Oops, not sexy...most romantic, right?! Well...the boot to romance - sexy is better.

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Maybe this is a bit of a cliche, but I once dated a french girl and listening to her speak with those puffed out lips was quite an aphrodisiac!


And my last girlfriend, from the UK, grew up in Yorkshire (up north). I found her accent (much more pronounced when she drinks) to be very becoming.... in a cute, charming sort of way. I laughed so hard watching Wallace and Gromit with her because that is how she sounds when she drinks! (all those eloqution lessons just faaaaade awaaaaaay).

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Whats all this b/s about "BRITISH ACENTS"

If you haver ever been to UK you will find that there are LOADS of different regional accents and there is no such thing as a "british" accent. Thats like saying Visaya and Tagalog are the same lanuage cos Philipinos' speak them.


Compare a London Cockney and A Clydeside welder from Glagow, and u'll know what I mean.



I know. Like I said, I've got a posh(ish) london accent (apparently) and I went up north yesterday and sat next to a lady from up there and truly thought she was speaking another language. I was so confused.


I do like american accents. I don't have a preferance about where from. But I still love south london slang *sexyist accent* especially when talking dirty.

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That's funny that so many of you think Australian accents are sexy. I'm from Australia and I think our male accents are so vile. Especially the lower class sydney accents.


I love posh british english accents, laid back american accents and italian accents (as long as you can understand them).

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