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why is my skin so dry?

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the skin on my face has always been dry and flakey--even though the skin on the rest of my body has remained moist and healthy--It makes me really insucure, because even make-up can't hide it, it just makes it look worse! I don't like constanly putting on facial lotions, because it makes me feel greasy -___-' I find that no matter what it only gets worse? Does anybody know what causes this and how I can get rid of it without spending too much? I've tried to research it, but I keep finding things mainly for older women. Anyone with any info pass it my way!

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i am not sure exactly what but i use just plain old moisturizer. for a few bucks you can get a huge thing of it. my skin used to be so dry that my cheeks were really red and would have little bumps on them. lather it with moisturizer twice a day. eventually itll go away. if not, go to a dermatologist. sorry i couldnt be much help

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You have dry skin. You need to exfoliate daily with a gentle exfoliant, use a toner and use a high quality moisturizer (Oil of Olay is actually quite high quality and not greasy at all).


This should provide nearly immediate relief. I'm the exact same way, so I completely relate!

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I dont know about anyone else, but as gross as it sounds i dont wash my face regularly, only if it's really oily or has dirt/grease on it. Whenever i purposefully scrub (if i'm feeling dirty for whatever reason) my skin feels like it tightens way up, and it gets extremely dry, then shortly thereafter extremely oily, then i break out.

Anyone else like this?

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I dont know about anyone else, but as gross as it sounds i dont wash my face regularly, only if it's really oily or has dirt/grease on it. Whenever i purposefully scrub (if i'm feeling dirty for whatever reason) my skin feels like it tightens way up, and it gets extremely dry, then shortly thereafter extremely oily, then i break out.

Anyone else like this?


That happens to me a lot in the winter when the climate is really dry. Luckily, though, I don't really recall breaking out afterwards. Usually when my face gets oily after washing I use an astringent called Sea Breeze Astringent for Sensitive Skin. It's not harsh like some other astringents but it does its job and it's done wonders for my skin.

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