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Why are the weekends so hard?

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Hi all,


I have posted a few things on here about my relationship with my ex gf, I'm a lesbian for those of you who don't know me.


I have being trying too have no NC with my ex, and last Thursday I sent her and email, I was replying too and email she had sent my daughter too congratulated her for her 8th grade promotion. She never answer me back and I felt like crap, but I notice that is harder for me on the weekends. I start too analyze things and wonder what she is doing, I catch myself missing her more, but at the same time thinking what she is doing with her ex which she is still living with her and was never a roomate like she said she was . I know this may be a little confusing because it's confusing for me even when I write it. But on my first post I had explaing the whole situation.


Yesterday I went out too a club with some friends since they feel I should let go of my pain(easy for them too say that). I had being their with her before and I couldn't stop thinking of the good time we had there, I felt really crapy and I wanted too go home. I saw here in the club the whole time I was there, I wanted too call her so bad even though I know I shouldn't have any NC I really miss her a lot, I know she don't deserve me because she really lied big time. Is being almost a move but I still cry everyday like it just happened, my kids are worry about me and honestly im worry about me also. Do you guys think a counseller may be good for me?....

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Weekends are the worst. During the weekday I am perfectly normal. But I'm a bit of a trainwreck over the weekend. NC is the hardest at those times. We had our best times on Saturdays and Sundays. The spare time leaves a person alone to their own thoughts. Nope, you're not alone.

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Weekends are the worse because its a time where family members and couples get together to share there life. I for myself find weekends hard unless I am working because its really hard to pass time and when you have a lot of time on your hand your mind starts working over time...

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Weekends are torture. My ex is still on my friends list on myspace, and I've seen her "online now" pop-up while I'm on too. It's so weird. We hung out 24/7, were together for 2+ years and engaged , and then she broke up with me cold turkey. She hasn't contacted me at all since the break-up. We live 20 miles away. I don't even know if she's viewed my page or not. I wanted to get one of those tracker things to see if she does check my profile every once in a while. I have so much free time now, and nothing to do. All day long I wonder what the heck she is up to. We did everything together, and she was the only thing I looked forward to. I have to come up with a plan for the future, because right now I am completely isolated and emotionally devastated.

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I was fortunate, that when I lost my partner, he died. So there isn' the constant wondering what he is up to. And there is no chance of being with him again in this life... so I dont ruminate about it much. I'm free to reminesce about our time together any way I want to. I can think of the good times, I can puzzle over lessons I learned, and I can move toward closure at my own pace. Closure seems to be the only thing to stop the pain. At least for me.

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