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Well I started working at this security place a couple months ago and the idea was I can work whenever I feel like it. work as in internship where its volunteer work and I dont get no pay. However, he seemed nice at first but he hardly talked. I just thought it was because he was a quiet person, however, I have also started noticing how its only towards me. Or he will say something to discourage me from tryng to find a job there after my intership is over. He will say, "well i am surprised ur parents are okay with this job" or tell the other investigators, "make her do the paper work" instead of learning how to be on the floor and catch people.


I have also given him hints that I will want a job there after my internship and from my view I dont lack anything for the job. Most of the kids there are high school grads , however, I am in university going into 3rd year BA Crim, I am a quick learner and I finish all the work that is given to me. Sometimes he doesn't even say hi to me and it gets so quiet in the room that its awakward. I try making convoz to ease the tension or whatever but I only a get one word reply. Yet with other people hes friendlier, talkative, smiling...jus with me he seems bored? I dunno...and I thought it was just because I was new...but nope i have been there long now....also whenever I call him to tell him I am coming in..thas all it is...there is no how are you, hows your day..nuting...just okay, ye what time...ok bye


this is starting to piss me off!!!!!



Any advice would be great

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I'd probably need a little more info, to understand his behavior - which definitely seems odd. Do you suspect he's descriminating against you for any reason? Are you female, or physically challenged in some way?


Or - could it be possible he's resentful of you being a college student? If most of the other people who work there aren't, maybe that's an issue. Especially that remark he made about being surprised your parents would advocate working there. He may feel that your education overqualifies you for the job.


These are just many possibilities I'm throwing out there, as I have limited details to go on.

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Well I am a Female 19 whose brown...but I dont necessairly look brown and no one can guess until I tell them. The other thing is when I worked alone with him he kept apologizing for not walking with me on the floors and just sitting there doing his work (which he never really does when othr people are there). I asked if he liked working alone? Hes like no it may seem that way cuz i am quiet. I am like okay!


The same day he taught me how to work this camera and hes like now you know something more than the other investigators. All the other investigators are mostly white....is he racist?

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I suppose he could be, but the comment he made about your parents seems to point more towards either an issue with you because you are young and female (as this could be a potentially dangerous job), or that you're a college student (and he might think you're overqualified, from an education standpoint).


It's hard to say - have you thought about having a talk with him? Asking him for some kind of feedback on your progress to date, areas he see you do well in, and areas he sees a need for improvement? This is a reasonable - and professional - talk to have. It may reveal what's really going on with him, too.

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Well my university sends out an evaluation form and i have asked him to fill it out for me. I also asked him that if I can see it before he seals it and sends it.

His reply was, "ye sure, you can look at it once i am done".


I asked him how I was doing and if there were any improvements that he would like to see. His reply was that from what he has heard from the other investigators I am doing well. But he didnt seem so interested at all. I mean if you think about it, I come there as an intership student and you are not showing interest in me because?? My friend thinks that it might be because I ask my parents for rides, and that I look really young and not tough enough. However, is this really fair to judge me according to that and not what I can do? I have done so much already for the company and I believe I am qualified for the job...I just hate going there now and having to see him. I have to finish 100 hours and * * * * man...I jus cant stand it anymore. Whenever I see him i feel like running away and not coming back. The worst is when I get stuck working with him...cuz he just has a way of making me feel stupid.


One conversation I had with him where I was discussing that the police sometimes dont do anything when it comes to certain issues. He goes trying to make me feel stupid "well maybe they are but you wouldnt know since your not a police officer nor do you know any".



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Then it's really just an issue with him - he obviously could use some improvement in the boss/mentoring department. It's frustrating, but if you are doing your job well and staying professional, then really nothing more can be asked of you.


I think most places that use interns really try to make an effort to train the intern, get them enthused about the profession, etc. Sounds like you just got unlucky and landed a bit of a dud.

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I've occasionally had a boss like that, but it's rare. Don't worry, you just got stuck with a dud your first time. Keep your chin up, your attitude cheerful and professional, and tune out the negativity. Focus on doing your best. This may actually be a good learning experience for you as the above abilities will come in handy throughout your life.

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You're very welcome. I empathize with your plight, as I've experienced similar remoteness/hardly any positive interaction with a previous boss. But again, just use this as a learning experience to stay focused even when there are negative vibes around. You can do it! If the guy doesn't realize he has a worker with a great deal of enthusiasm and potential, that is seriously his loss (but stay respectful and professional towards him, of course).

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Yeah, I called him today and he didnt seem to care about telling me the hours i can work. Hes like yeah i'll be in such and such days and that was it. Maybe there is something wrong with me??? I donno...he just makes me so angry! I am trying to stay grounded but its hard.

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Maybe you could try to get in touch with managment and discuss the issue with them, although it may lead to further awkwardness if your boss gets approached by someone about it.


Yeah, it could definitely lead to awkwardness...or getting dismissed from your internship. I say just suck it up, unless you are not learning what you need to be learning from your internship. If that's the case, then I would talk to your school department that handles internships, explain the issue, and see if you can get one somewhere else.

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