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What's your definition...

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This is coming from a woman:


A fall back guy/girl is exactly what the name entails. Usually these people come into play in your life after a break up or divorce. They can be friends, friends with benefits, or even a short-lived relationship could blossom from these people. Yet they usually only stay in your life for a little while.

From my experience, these fall backs are simply there for whatever reason you want them to be there for, whether it be to talk, to be friends, to hang out, to have sex, or whatever you heart desires. They help you forget your troubles and get back up on your feet.

Hope this helps you in finding your definition. Take it for what its worth.



Dear God: Bless me with everlasting love.

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My definition of a fallback guy,(relationship-wise),

is someone a person values as being the best bet if no one better comes along. He's always there on standby, acting as someone's contingency plan. In essense, he's both valued and considered as somebody's plan b.

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