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Everything posted by deargod

  1. Thank you all SSSOOO much for your feedback! Insecurity has been with me for the longest time. Over the years it gradually decreases so hopefully one day, with the help of all my friends and the feedback I get, it will be gone. Any more feedback you have would be much appreciated!
  2. This is coming from a woman: A fall back guy/girl is exactly what the name entails. Usually these people come into play in your life after a break up or divorce. They can be friends, friends with benefits, or even a short-lived relationship could blossom from these people. Yet they usually only stay in your life for a little while. From my experience, these fall backs are simply there for whatever reason you want them to be there for, whether it be to talk, to be friends, to hang out, to have sex, or whatever you heart desires. They help you forget your troubles and get back up on your feet. Hope this helps you in finding your definition. Take it for what its worth. _________________________________ Dear God: Bless me with everlasting love.
  3. Mind you, this post is coming from someone who has had a LONG line of jealousy problems, beginning with my first relationship and continuing to now. Yet trust me, it has gotten better. I need help. I'm insecure with myself. I've been blessed with good looks, not great, but good. I've never had problems finding a boyfriend. Why am I insecure? It all goes back to when I was younger, before I found out the magic of nice clothes, make up, and a flat iron. I wasn't the prettiest girl and envied all those who were. My problem: I still do. It seems like every other movie my boyfriend and I watch, there is nudity. Of course, as all movies go, its always nudity on the part of a woman's chest area. My boyfriend says he looks away from them because he knows am insecure but that's not right... I have B cup breasts and have always longed for bigger. It seems like what all the magazines and movies show as being accepable is a C cup or higher. It also seems men enjoy bigger breasts than mine. I'm worried my boyfriend's exposure to all these gorgeous women will make him have second thoughts about his less-than-perfect girlfriend. My question: What goes through a man's mind when he sees these beautiful women on screen? Does this affect the way he feels about his girlfriend? Should I be worried/insecure? ___________________________________________________________ Dear God: Forgive me for I have sinned. I shall die of Envy.
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