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I can't do the right thing here but please answer as follows:


1. Have you ever had a long distance relationship?


2. If YES, would you do it again?


My answer is NO.


I asked the question because many people on this board seem to be in them. More than in the UK. I'll ask the same on the BBC board and report the findings back.

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if you love the person and it's meant to be, then you won't even question it. If you only have luke warm feelings for the person then you will have doubts and it probably won't work out. Love is strong and can overcome many things. Here's my honest opinion. If you had a relationship before the long distance, then I have no doubt that if you are both ready and willing it could work out. In my LDR I met the guy while on vacation and we tried to build a relationship off of 5 days of knowing each other... didn't work out so well. When you're in a LDR you can't really "date" you either don't see each other, or when you do it's for like a week at a time constantly so you get sick of each other... BUT if you had a relationship prior to the long distance part I think it would make a big difference.

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HHAHAHAHAHA!!!!.. i am sorry but love is strong but finances,responcibilities and time are even stronger. Funny but sadly true.

Yes i have been, it is awfully hard. I have lost so much timebecause of it.

So, By choice NO, BUt but my heart doesnt like what my head thinks.

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yes ive been in a long distance relationship.

if it was the same person i would do it again in a heartbeat..

my situation is a little different he was in the military..

i was so proud of him b/c when ever he would leave i know its because hes protecting our country.. i wouldnt see him for months and months but when i would finially see him again it would be soooo worth it.. it was like falling in love all over again.. when we'd kiss it allways seemed like the first kiss.

but adventually the distance took a toll on our relationship and the military changes people..

but my answer is YES i wouldnt change that experience for Nothing in the world.

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1. Have you ever had a long distance relationship?


Yes, Twice. However, in both cases they only became LDR's after we had been dating, and in both cases there was a finite end to the LDR part (ie a year, 6 months). I think the latter part is especially important, LDR's are not meant to be that way forever!


2. If YES, would you do it again?


Yes, with the right person. If for some reason my partner or I had to go LDR for a few months, I would do it for a short term. I sure would not drop him like a hot potato!

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I had one for about 2.5 years and then I broke it off. I would probably not do it again because it was just too much work. Plus I felt like I put in more effort to go visit him than him coming to visit me. LDR drained me financially and physically (from having to drive 12-13 hours every time).

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I have had one and I definitely would do it again (with the right person, of course). The long distance relationship definitely has it's negative aspects, but at the same time it has a lot of benefits. Like bebecole said, it makes the time you spend together so awesome. It's like starting all over, in a way. It can make your relationship very strong if there is loyalty and trust on both sides. I say it's definitely worth it if you love eachother.

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My own take on this is I've never been in one. It's hard enough when I travel on business that I wouldn't want to be in that situation all the time.


I just need frequent physical contact and would be tempted to seek it elsewhere, which is extreme, considering I've been faithful for 17 years.

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