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Six 6 months already and I still wake up broken everyday...

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Have to pick myself and the pieces in 30 min to rush to work... fun... but really tiring... wonder when this will really end...


Aww, it is so difficult but I promise it does get better. We are here for you so remember you don't have to go through the pain alone. You never know what is waiting just around the corner, so when you think of the past heartache, try switching your focus to the possibilities that lie ahead.

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I'm just 9 weeks total NC and 13 weeks since break-up. She put up a wall 13 weeks ago, and let me find out from a mutual friend that she was marrying her much older and sexually dysfunctional ex..this after 4 years with me (cheating on her ex, then dumping him, committing to me [? well, i doubt it] talking marriage to me, screwing my eyeballs out , etc.) . I went NC after I sent her an email wishing her happiness in her new life..she asked to be friends..and I politely said no. Well, it IS getting a little better for me... I can concentrate on my work, and have good days. Last night for the first time in a while I went out with friends and had about 5 glasses of wine..and guess what?? I feel like s**t this morning and am very depressed, and have fallen back. I will never violate NC, but I'm a nervous sad wreck today. The good thing is that I know I can climb back up tomorrow if I stay away from the sauce. It's good to come in here on a day like today and find people to commiserate with and not get stewed.

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searching1951--alcohol can plunge you into that pit of depression, hang in there though. terrible days are often followed by less terrible days....congrats on making it through 9 weeks of NC, you're a very strong person.


been having so many highs and lows that i forgot to count. went out with some girl friends last night and got hit on by very very attractive lawyer. felt pretty giddy and confirmed to myself that i've still got it.


then woke up this morning and feel that the dating game is so meaningless. miss my relationship terribly. miss the intimacy & comfort, miss the bond & connection between us. start to think that most guys out there are just driven to talk to girls by looks and wanna hit and quit.


felt like crap. feel torn between saying forget it all and have fun, and searching for something deeper that i might never find. i miss him so much.

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Woke up this am in anxiety. The anxiety causes me to remember the ex. I can never tell if it is the thoughts of the ex producing the anxiety or the anxiety producing thoughts of the ex. I think it's a vicious cycle. No drinking last night so it's not as bad as yesterday am was, thank god.

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