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Ok I just have some comments on this.


In general with anything on this. If you have a problem with it, people have a problem with it. It's a self fullfilling prophecy.


I make the joke all the time, that I'm not actually 6'3 but I'm a 3'6 midget that went back in time and put everything to scale (I know I'm weird ).


you know what responses I get?


Ohh that sounds kinky, really?


Usually an odd laughter


Just a blank smile.


People don't understand the problems with being tall.


How many of you have been stuck in a car?


Have you read the hazards of ceiling fans yet (It's a good book, man that guy oh it had to hurt)


Oh, Ya if you're above 6 Foot prepare to hit your head on every door frame in Japan.


How many of you have gotten hit in the head by a ceiling fan.


Ok how about your arms?


How many times have you been following someone, and they walk under a spiders web and it goes all over your face?


(ok, comedic relief is done)


Yes, I know that my view is a little skewed, but honestly, I have bad teeth, and if I worry about them (which I do) and I show it people notice, if I don't they don't...


Btw, on the kissing thing. I'm a dipper so height doesn't really matter. Or I'll pick her up...


My point I am trying to make is try to not worry about it. The reason it is looked bad, is because its a self fullfilling prophecy.


Oh, and if a girl doesn't date you because you are too short, is that the kind of girl you want anyway?

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i most certainly would rule him out.


im 5'4 and im not carrying him to bed.

There is little risk of you carrying him to bed since it takes testosterone (and weight training) to build muscles.


Unless you daily shave your beard, of course, in that case I fully understand your great concern.

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I'm *almost* 5'2...and I don't come accross many guys that are shorter then me...unless they're like a freshmen in high school or something. My boyfriend is i think 5'9-6', and I honestly never paid attention to our height difference until I saw a photo of us standing side by side.


I think it's funny how insecurities are so different between men and women. I get made fun of about my height at least once a day, lol. (especially since I though i was 5'2 for soooo long and found out that i'm only 5'1 and 1/8 ) I think it's funny. But maybe that's just me. ...and i'll have to ask my boyfriend if he's insecure about his height, lol, I know he's insecure about his *you know what size* to the point that he made me measure it! lol

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Well at 5'4" u'd have trouble finding a guy who's shorter than you anyway, so that's not SOOO bad(not meant to be offensive... like I said I'm no height biggot )

me! I'm around that height, not any taller, maybe shorter

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I have one friend who plain refuses to date anyone shorter than her. She's turned down some great guys because they were 2 inches too short!


I'm 6 foot myself, and my boyf is a gud 3 inches shorter than me, even though he's older. it's odd, becasue i expected him to be a bit funny about it, but he says he likes the fact that i'm longer than he is.


i think i'd feel odd if someone was more than a foot shorter than me or something, just because i'd stand out like a sore thumb next to them. But as long as your happy with who you're with, what does a few inches matter?


It's not like it's something you can change...

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  • 2 years later...

I'm barely 5'8'' and it sucks haha but whatever. I truly believe that most guys are sensitive about their height especially if they're between 5'2''-5'9''...although from experience I can say that 80% of women do not give a crap about a guy's height if he's taller than her without shoes...


I used to get a "you're short" from previous girlfriends every now and then which used to REALLY bother me lmao but now I laugh.


I once was in bed with a girl, right after the moment, and she hits me with "I feel like I'm bigger than you"....yeah lol. I still don't know til this day if she meant "bigger" as in like heavier/thicker or taller...I took it personally as a height insult. It's a pretty funny story now but was a massive blow to my ego back then haha

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