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To be different or not to be...

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To start off I'm going to say this: I'm not the kind of person who likes change. I don't change my clothing syle, hairstyle, or anything else you can imagine.




I won't kid you though, I'm not boring at all by any standards, just the same style and outward appearance year after year...Up until now...


I'm starting to get completely bored of the same old same old me. I mean hey, who wouldn't right? After 10 years you come and pay a visit to dear old me and lo and behold , I'M COMPLETELY THE SAME.


Remember people, *physically*, not some personality transformation or anything. Just wanted to clear up that up...


So anyways, yes, I would like to be someone completely different, ON THE OUTSIDE. Same me on the inside, just different outside. That's not wrong right? I just get this feeling I'm not going to be true to myself if I change my outward appearance. I also think that my friends will think I'm some kind of poser or something when they see the "new" me....


...I'm so confused, somebody clear this up for me..

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I don't know what would cause you to feel this way, except that you're bored with your look...but I will give you advice on changing your appearance:


Start with a haircut...simple, affordable, and can make a HUGE difference. And even if you hate it, it will grow back. No harm done. When i wanted a hair change, i went to the hair salon and told the hair dresser (that I never had been to before) that I wanted something different, whatever she thought would look nice. She cut it completely different and at first i hated it...but i ended up keeping my hair like that for several years.


a little haircut can really change your appearance. ...wanna be even more daring? Dye it!

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If your personality is still the same, then no one will think you're a poser. I agree about starting with a haircut. As for clothing style, you don't have to pick a certain style. Wear whatever you like!


"What happens if a car comes?"


"We die."

I love that movie! That's one of my favorite quotes from it.

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