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A friend of the family committed suicide a few days ago. I knew him pretty well, and me and him had lots of laughs together etc. but while everyone else around me seems to feel deeply about his death, I just can't seem to. I was like this when my grandpa and grandma died also. I just can't really get that upset. It's not that I'm not sad that it happened, cause I don't put some good thought into it, and I know I'm gonna miss him, but I just can't get upset. My mom came home very upset but came and asked me if I was okay, and I was completely fine. Any insight into this would be appreciated. It kinda scares me that I'm not reacting like others, makes me feel like a sociopath or something.

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no I don't think your a psychopath. Maybe in shock. Or maybe just death effect people differently some cry, some denie, some drink, some....ect Maybe you just aren't upset cause you know that what happened has happened nothing more you can do.

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It is kind of odd that you don't get upset over things. I think most people do. Do you get upset when something bad happens to yourself or do you feel about the same as you do when something happens to others? The inability to empathize with another is somewhat sociopathic.

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I get upset about the most silly things. It only hits me a few months after the major incident, and sometimes there after I cry buckets. I can cut myself off from emotion quite well too, and it appears I don't care when deep down I do.



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I'm definitely not in shock or denial. It's more like cold rationality. Like you said: "Maybe you just aren't upset cause you know that what happened has happened nothing more you can do".


"The inability to empathize with another is somewhat sociopathic."


Yes, that's what I'm thinking. I was able to shed a tear after listening to some sad songs, but it took EFFORT. I THINK it's horrible that he killed himself, but I can't seem to FEEL it. Does that make sense?

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"Do you get upset when something bad happens to yourself or do you feel about the same as you do when something happens to others?"


I feel pretty disconnected from other people. I can empathize, but it's all thinking, I don't really feel much.

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i think it probably hurts you profoundly but you are right now involuntarily protecting yourself from your feelings, by not feeling them. talking to a counselor might be helpful. there is nothing wrong with you though, this is just your way right now. not everyone reacts the same way and thats o.k.

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I worked a lot on myself to block my feelings, it was quite successful at that, and it wasn't good at all.


I got to the point where I had tears I couldn't cry, I was unable to feel love, I was unable to actually feel sad, all that was left was anger.


Finally I met my gf and it slowly started to change, to the point I cried like a baby when she left, I was unable to control myself. It was actually kind of relieving to be able to cry, feel sad, etc.


Though, I'm feeling like crap because she is gone.



Don't know exactly how it is called, something among the lines of emotional blockage, and it is an awfull place to be.

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