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Well, I took some of your advice and decided to cut contact right down with my ex. We WERE friends but he tended to want sex from me a lot and that's all he would talk about and then when I refuse, he goes mad.


So yeah, I cut down contact until today something happened....i was on MSN (i had deleted him) and a conversation popped up from him saying: "are you going out with A yet then" andI replied saying "no" and that's all.


Then about 5 mins later he completely kicked off saying A is a ranny fat (change the first letter around on each word) and that's all he's after with me and that I did not attract anyone. I was completely GOBSMACKED! I didn't know what to say so I just said "Oh thanks" and he kept going JUST SOD OF, SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE.


I had done NOTHING wrong to him, had not uttered a word to him for 2 days! I don't know what to think anymore...he really upset me. He said i upset him but i do nothing wrong.


He's really annoyed me too, I know A would only be after sex, that's why i'm not with him....but now everything just seems worse 'cos of what he said....i feel really down and couldn't believe he said it!!


Does anyone have any clue of WHY he could have done this and said all of this?

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nottoogreen -


. Quick Attachment and Expression "The Loser" has very shallow emotions and connections with others. One of the things that might attract you to "The Loser" is how quickly he or she says "I Love You" or wants to marry or commit to you. Typically, in less than a few weeks of dating you'll hear that you're the love of their life, they want to be with you forever, and they want to marry you. You'll receive gifts, a variety of promises, and be showered with their attention and nice gestures. This is the "honeymoon phase" - where they catch you and convince you that they are the best thing that ever happened to you. Remember the business saying "If it's too good to be true it probably is (too good to be true)!" You may be so overwhelmed by this display of instant attraction, instant commitment, and instant planning for the future that you'll miss the major point - it doesn't make sense!! Normal, healthy individuals require a long process to develop a relationship because there is so much at stake. Healthy individuals will wait for a lot of information before offering a commitment - not three weeks. It's true that we can become infatuated with others quickly - but not make such unrealistic promises and have the future planned after three dates. The rapid warm-up is always a sign of shallow emotions which later cause "The Loser" to detach from you as quickly as they committed. "The Loser" typically wants to move in with you or marry you in less than four weeks or very early in the relationship.



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