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Getting rid of a troublesome cat of mine and my ex's

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It sounds like a crazy story but I'll explain...


I've had a cat for about 4 years. I got him when I was with my ex. This cat has been good for the most part but has developed some serious behavior problems lately. The short of it, I'm giving him up for adoption so he can have a better home and get things I can not offer him.


I'm reliving all the memories me and my ex shared together with this cat. It's quite painful. I think finding this cat a better home will be another step on my road to healing completely. It's been 4 week NC with her, and I'm ridding my life of harmful and energy draining things in my life. My obsession with her is one of them. Once in awhile I think about her, but it passes.


I really love this cat but you must let things go sometimes. It's for my health, happiness, and most all, it's my decision!


And for all those animal lovers who are worried, I will find him a great home!

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I think that's a really good and mature decision. I'm proud of you! "Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same" (it's a silly song lyric.. lol) I'm sorry it brings up so many memories with your ex, but maybe this will help the healing process.. And I'm sure you'll find a great home!

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If you live in England you could hand him over to the Cats Protection League, PDSA or the RSPCA. I did that recently when a cat decided to have 3 kittens in my house.


In the beginning it was ok because my two dogs had known her for a year but once she had the kittens and she became protective the younger of my two dogs was attacked twice. I wouldn't care he was nowhere near the kittens at the time? The strange thing is when I'd handed her over to my friend in the Cats Protection League if was the younger dog that was looking for her even though he was terrified.


Yesterday I discovered that the Mother and 1 kitten have gone to one house and the other 2 kittens to another one. The good news is that it's members of the same family who've got them. They're all very healthy which is great because I had to resuscitate the 1st kitten when it was born!

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