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What to get new gf for birthday AND graduation.

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I've been pondering if I bought too sappy/weird/expensive gift for my new girlfriend that'll be given to her at her both high school graduation AND 18th birthday party. What would be a typical price range for this kind of gift be? Does something too expensive send the wrong message (we've known each other since last october, but only been a couple for a month)?


The other thing is that she's a twin, so the party is for her twin just as much. Although (obviously), I'm not dating her twin (although I've known her longer, not friends, but have dated her friends (which aren't my gf's friends, but will be at the party, another story)). My girlfriend has said I don't need to get her sister anything, since her sister's bf hardly ever gets her anything. I'm thinking I should atleast get the twin a card. I should get my girlfriend a card too. When it comes to cards, can I find cards that are graduation/b-day in one, do I get two cards, do I just get birthday, or just graduation?


Thanks in advance,

- Mike

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I suppose you could get the sister a card to be nice (make it a simple card). And I might do separate bday and grad cards because graduation is such a huge accomplishment.


For the present, you should determine the range because you know what you can afford and it has only been a month.


What are your feelings for her? Do you really like her? Do you want to show her interest? What message do you want to give her? That will help you determine it. Out of curiosity what did you get her?

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I got her a gold necklace with the 'item' (what's the actual THING on a necklace called?) being a gold heart with a circle of carved mother-of-pearl on it.


And yes, I really like her. She's awesome. It's well within my price range, not even a whole paycheck.

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Get her two cards and get her twin a card and a small gift as well. Give her a special present for her b-day like the necklace you gave her, then see if you can get her something at a spa, like a massage or a makeover type thing, girls love that. For a small gift for her twin, get her a blockbuster card or 25 bucks gift card to a restuarant for her and her bf to split. It will make you look like a gentlemen and you'll gain ton of respect from her and her family for it. I wouldn't spend total over $125 for all of it. May seem like a lot but your knocking out 3 gifts actually so it isn't bad.

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