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I am having a real hard time dealing with the divorce. She is completely done with it her ring is off and done. I on the other hand am wondering how to cope and move on. My friend (female) is offering to have sex to see if that would help me??? ummm. i highly doubt it but thought i would throw it out there to you all. right now i am coping with drinking and movies...not working very well.

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Drinking is a bad way to go. I was a thirsty guy when I got dumped but kept away from the booze except for one major blitz on my anniversary.

Having sex might get you more confused if it unconsciously reminds you of the ex.

I used walking and hiking as a coping method along with reading escapist material. Drinking ice water instead of beer gave me a boost.


Time is the only real cure.

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One great coping method, is to think about all that's ahead of you.

Accept that your relationship didn't work out. She obviously wasn't the one for you -Cause you two both weren't happy for whatever reasons.BUT there is somone out there who is the right person for you. And until you find her enjoy your time to yourself & make the most of it. Develope yourself into the best person you can be. Don't waste it becomeing an alcoholic. You've got a lot ahead of you, reach for it.

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Thank you for the advice, I caught myself last night and realized i needed to stop drinking so much especially since it wasnt helping other than to sleep. As far as the other girl reminding of my ex, remind me how? Looks are totally not the same nor the age. I'm not nit picking your suggestion, im just trying to understand.

More advice is more than welcome

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yeah, stay eased off on the alcohol. it can bring you a lot more troubles than you have now, trust me. don't let the advice you've gotten in this thread come back to haunt you.


this other girl... awful nice of her to offer her body to see if it made you feel better, don't you think? is there possibly a little something more to her motivations?

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I'm no pig but getting laid is one of the few things I haven't tried yet after my breakup. I'm not a whole lot better yet either. I'd go for it.. it's good for the ego, makes you feel good, and releases much needed endorphins... go ahead.. get a piece. On the other hand, I think it's strange someone would just randomly say, hey have sex wth me, it'd make you feel better.. two things to be careful of.. you don't lead her on to something you don't want.. or vice versa.. maybe she just needs to get some too and you're the sure thing. don't get attached. having sex with someone makes it harder though.

for me, at this point and not having had any for way too long, I'd probably do it. if for anything just to feel that again. cmpletely selfish, i know, but hey, if she's offering and really knows the deal, why not?

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