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Smothering and Insecure

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How does anyone deal with a partner that is insecure. I had broken up with someone who is very insecure and smothering. I found it to be very annoying and something I couldn't deal with. I still love her but I couldn't cope with it or change her. Ultimately, I drove me away. Need advice for future relationship.

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I don't mean to get all female on you, but often, when a woman seems insecure and smothering, it's a sign of baggage from the past. Often, people need time to grow on their own before they can let go of whatever brought them to that. Can you tell me more about what happened with this girl? If you still love her, I'd hate to see you throw it away if it's a misunderstanding. Communication is always the key. However, if you truly are ready to move on, I would suggest being friends before anything else. This is as simple as having many dates before you get serious, having a lot of conversations and getting her to trust you and open up to you. If you sense insecurity, call it out (nicely) and ask her where it comes from and if she can talk about it with you.

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