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Is it possible for a weeklong vacation to dull feelings?

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The title more or less says it all. She's been in arizona for a week now, between the time difference and i guess how busy she's been she hasn't called once. Just sent a nice message every day when her day is ending and im sound asleep. Im a bit curious...is a week talking enough to dull feelings? We've only been together for about 2 months so its not like things are brand new...

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Depending on her vacation, it can be hard to have tons of time to contact you. It sounds like she IS contacting you though regularly.


I don't think a week is enough to make you forget about someone whom you care about at all, my partner and I have had to take business trips, and even a couple vacations (ones with family that were planned before we started dating), and while we could not always communicate a lot (it's difficult to contact him from Cuba!) it did not "dull" anything. We realized how much we miss one another even more!


And if it were to dull things, maybe there is something there that is amiss in the first place?


Mun used to have a quote on here about how distance is like the wind - it will either fan the flames of love, or dimish the flame of one that is not strong enough. Of course, that is VERY paraphrased!

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yeah, I liked that quote! Something about distance being like the wind, in that it extingishes the flame of a candle, but will increase the intensity of a huge forest fire. LOL. Also paraphrasing, but it makes sense.


If a short vacation will extinguish her feelings for you, then it is not meant to be.

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when i had been with my boyf a month, i went away for 9 days to france. because of different times and different activities, we didn't spek to each other properly for the whole time i was away, other than a text at night to say goodnight.


as raykay and annie24 have both said, if after a week of being separated you don't feel the same, then maybe you should reconsider the relationship.


as they say, absense makes the heart grow fonder!

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I would be concerned too. A phone call takes seconds. If she's typically a good communicator then, without coming accross as too needy, indirectly address her. I might tell her a story of a "friend" whose girlfriend left for 2 weeks and didn't call him and it made him feel low.


OR, you can just write it off as a 1 week vacation from her and when she gets back see how things are.

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while you all certainly had great advice, chai summed up my feelings exactly...could she not steal 5 seconds to go to the bathroom and give me a call? In case you haven't noticed im really into this girl...perhaps i need to chill out a little bit, im not normally like this and i must say...it sucks haha.

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this might seem irrelevant, but what are call rates like? perhaps she could steal away for a 10 minute call, but what if she can't afford it. cost was a major factor in me not calling my boyf while i was away - calls from other countries are £1 per minute (only 10 pence per minute from home normally) plus a connectin fee on the network im on!


maybe you'll just have to see what she says when she gets back, but there are alot of reasons for not calling while away, and not all of them are bad.

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this might seem irrelevant, but what are call rates like? perhaps she could steal away for a 10 minute call, but what if she can't afford it. cost was a major factor in me not calling my boyf while i was away - calls from other countries are £1 per minute (only 10 pence per minute from home normally) plus a connectin fee on the network im on!


maybe you'll just have to see what she says when she gets back, but there are alot of reasons for not calling while away, and not all of them are bad.


True. I called my boyfriend the day I left as he had eye surgery the same day (HE scheduled it while I was away, I did not book it knowing he had surgery that day...LOL) and wanted to see how he was. It was worth it, but it cost me $50 USD for a 15 minute call! (landline, as you cannot ake cells down there). I stuck to finding an internet room at the resort the next few days, even that was pricey so I limited it to one email every couple days.

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