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I let a guy friend pay for my food again...


Last night I was chilling with one of my guy friends and before he drove me home he suggested getting something to eat. I let him pay for me even though i swore i'll never let guys i don't see a future with pay for me again. He is seeing someone. i like him as more than a friend, but i know he doesn't feel the same way about me because that's what his friend told me. Should I assume that it was just a friendly gesture then? Or can i be secretly hoping that he paid because he's interested?



oh, random question: is it normal to make out with a guy friend because you're both BORED?

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if he doesnt like you that way, and is seeing osmeone else i dont see anything wrong with him paying dinner for you. he offered im assuming.

i think there is something wrong wtih a guy seeing someone else who you make out with, and hes just a friend. i think thats pretty lame on both of your parts for making out because you are bored. and especially lame for making out when he is seeing someone else. and you knew he was seeing someone else.

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i think thats pretty lame on both of your parts for making out because you are bored. and especially lame for making out when he is seeing someone else. and you knew he was seeing someone else.

She didn't necessarily say it was the same guy, I think she was just asking for opinion


As for my opinion, I think it's unusual lol

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All depends on the kind of person he is, does he do the same for others? is he generous?

You could have cause to believe he is interested if he is a very cheap person but is spending money on you.

If hes naturally generous then its probly nothing.


As for your second question.


I guess its not horribly wrong but couldnt you find something else to do?

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perhaps i came off sounding harsh, im usually not vicious. and i wasnt trying to be. but if it is the same guy you guys should be ashamed. even if not, i think its lame and not tryna be rude but kind of slutty. making out out of "boredom"? i dont know, ive only ever made out with my boyfriend, maybe thast why im speaking this way, it just sounds kind of dirty to me. its not the worst thing that could happen. i guess its the "boredom excuse" that bothers me. and i hope it wasnt with the same guy.

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All depends on the kind of person he is, does he do the same for others? is he generous?

You could have cause to believe he is interested if he is a very cheap person but is spending money on you.

If hes naturally generous then its probly nothing.

i have no idea actually...he's a VERY nice person with excellent manners but i haven't known him long enough to see how he is with his money so i can't really say if he is just naturally generous or not

As for your second question.


I guess its not horribly wrong but couldnt you find something else to do?

we were alone in his car with nothing to do and nowhere to go


perhaps i came off sounding harsh, im usually not vicious. and i wasnt trying to be. but if it is the same guy you guys should be ashamed. even if not, i think its lame and not tryna be rude but kind of slutty. making out out of "boredom"? i dont know, ive only ever made out with my boyfriend, maybe thast why im speaking this way, it just sounds kind of dirty to me. its not the worst thing that could happen. i guess its the "boredom excuse" that bothers me. and i hope it wasnt with the same guy.

oh i DIDN'T make out with him...my bad if i made it sound that way...

but i was asking the question because after i got home, i was thinking "DAYUM that was boring...what if i had made a move on him tonite? would he have gone with it? man i should have tried!"



like i guess im just wondering if its normal for two friends to start making out (with no expectations for more to come out of it) as a way to entertain themselves

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oh i DIDN'T make out with him...my bad if i made it sound that way..


good. and i want to apologize for my misinterpretation of that.


like i guess im just wondering if its normal for two friends to start making out (with no expectations for more to come out of it) as a way to entertain themselves


i honestly think it can lead to complications. i dont think its anything TOO bad, but if you try, will he know you only want to be friends? have you guys done it before? and does he have any sort of interest in you more than a friend? if he knows itll just be making out with no strings attached, and so do you, and you both want it, then wahtever. its not something i would do, and i dont really think its a great decision but i dont really see much wrong wtih it. if thats what you wanan do then i think you should do it.

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I have guy friends who always pay for me. They simply won't take my money. The only thing I've thought of that I can do (besides always insist on leaving the tip) is that on days when I when I know have enough for the whole bill, is take it & never even let him lay his eyes on it. lol


As for making out.... sure, why not?

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I let a guy friend pay for my food again...


Last night I was chilling with one of my guy friends and before he drove me home he suggested getting something to eat. I let him pay for me even though i swore i'll never let guys i don't see a future with pay for me again. He is seeing someone. i like him as more than a friend, but i know he doesn't feel the same way about me because that's what his friend told me. Should I assume that it was just a friendly gesture then? Or can i be secretly hoping that he paid because he's interested?



oh, random question: is it normal to make out with a guy friend because you're both BORED?


Ok. Since you like this guy more than a friend: I feel you should stop pretending like you can just be his friend. You obviously have other intentions: you're asking if it's okay to try and make a move on him?! To make out with him out of boredom?!


No. It's not cool. He's seeing someone else. He is not available.


Move on. In this case, I would say 'No. It is not okay to let him pay." Simply bc of the circumstance and your feelings for this guy, and the fact that you mentioned 'should I secretly hope that he paid bc he is interested?"


You shouldn't.


He is not available.


Time to move on, candykisses.

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i accept the fact that we are just friends and nothing more...

but i just can't get over how good an opportunity i missed for a no-strings-attached make out session...i mean we were ALONE and BORED lol. couldn't be more perfect. but yes if it did happen, i would've made sure he knew it was going to be no strings attached so if HE ends up getting attached and wanting something out of it i can be like "HAHA oh i was just bored that day..."

but i guess it was good that i didn't cuz we are in the same circle of friends so like nicorette said, there would be too much complications





oh and can i add that this guy MACKS on me

..thats not friendship!

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