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I dreamt that I was cuddling with someone. I didn't even know her, we were just lying down, holding each other, touching each other (in a completely non-sexual way). I was just so at peace. I was pretty depressed though when I woke up. That's just not something I've ever had, and it felt so real. I don't know what the signicance of it is, but it was like a tease...my subconscious just laughing at me saying "look what you can't have, isn't it great?".



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I'd like to look at it that way Coollady but I feel like I don't even have the ability to get that close to someone, so it's kinda hard to imagine.


nic, I'm certain that you're right, I feel like I need intimicy. It's like a gaping hole in my life.

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in my opinion, dreams can be really confusing sometimes, i dont think ur sub-consious is laughing at u coz i believe there is somebody out there for everyone, im 21 and still havn't found anyone but i believe i will, if u think negative then negative things will happen, so try and think positive and things will happen, trust me.

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