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6 months, lesser time together

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My gf and I have been going out for about 6 months now and for the past few weeks, and we do love each other and we have been spending lesser time together due to the fact that she has just started a second job for the summer, which means I will not be seeing her as much. I explained to her that I will still be here for her even though we won't be seeing each other much over the summer, but at the same time I've been somewhat cranky and one time, we had a big miscommunication about a night we were supposed to spend the night together but what happened was, she got scheduled an early shift the next morning so that planned dropped but we never actually planned something else to do, so I just assumed we were still doing something even though spending the night fell through. I got mad at her because that day she told me she wanted to work cleaning someone's house and i didn't know what time this was supposed to happen and i was still under the impression we were gonna do something, and it was our 6-month anniversary so I wanted to do at least something with her. I have however, ordered flowers to be sent to one of her jobs on Wednesday. Does anyone have any tips for me that will help me not get so cranky over the time we won't have together this summer? i haven't seen her since sunday, and have only called her twice, one of which i was able to talk to her for a short amount of time. Do you think I should stick with it?



Joe, 29

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well Joe, i don't think you should be too worried. She's busy, but im sure if she has n e extra time she will devote it to you. So what more could you ask for?

It doesn't really seem like she is giving you any reason to be worried, she's busy is all. If you like her enough you'll stick with her even if you only get to see her once in awhile

As for being cranky, all i can say if find things to keep you busy and your mind occupied. Hang out with friends, watch a movie, go running. You know, all the fun stuff

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Some people just don't make note of monthly anniversaries so she may not have even been thinking about it. Also, it had only been Tuesday for 1 minute from the time you posted and not seeing each other for one day isn't cause for much alarm.


What we have here is a failure to communicate. Plans weren't made clear and so your feelings got hurt and she doesn't understand why. I believe you will be much less cranky about the time you won't have together so long as you are aware of when those times will be.

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