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my bf broke up with me before i could break up with him

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hi, my bf broke up with me before i could get a chance to break up with him. he told me things like i was fat and nobody else would ever consider dating me or ever even be in a relationship with me. i'm glad things are over with him but i kinda feel like all the things he has said about me are true. how do you bounce back from a bad relationship? i have a really low self esteem.

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try not to acknowledge him putting you down. watever he thinks doesnt matter anymore.


he has no control over anyone else so he cant say no one would be interested in you.


just keep telling yourself this and try to be happy with you.

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You gotta take everything anyone says with a big ol' grain of salt. I had a bf who actually said I was chubby, and at the time I weighed literally all of 90 lbs. People can be real weird man. You seriously are lucky to be rid of him.


The point I'm making is that it wouldn't matter even if there were merit to what he's saying, it's the fact that he doesn't mind saying mean put-downs to you in the effort to hurt your feelings and make you feel bad about yourself; that's what makes him a thrower-backer.

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hi, my bf broke up with me before i could get a chance to break up with him. he told me things like i was fat and nobody else would ever consider dating me or ever even be in a relationship with me. i'm glad things are over with him but i kinda feel like all the things he has said about me are true. how do you bounce back from a bad relationship? i have a really low self esteem.


He said that to attack your self-esteem.


Just put yourself out there and get a good guy. That's the best revenge. To just continue on like it was nothing.

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i definitly agree with everyone with the fact that this ex-bf of yours sounds very immature and hurtful.


but at the same time, why don't you use this opportunity to better yourself, not just your appearance, but your self-esteem and everything...use these harsh words as a motivation, know that you are better than it, go to a gym, watch your progress as you get fitter and fitter (NOTE THE WORD "FITTER" NOT "THINNER")....going to the gym will definitly boost your self-esteem, or at least kick start the healing process! and you know what else that i have tried and did me very well? CHANGES....fashion wise! lol go to the mall...and buy that mini skirt that you thought was too daring, or that tank top that you thought was wayyyy out of line....throw it on, and you'll really c what a sexy piece of ACE you are hehehe...


Anyways good luck to you, you sound like a sweet girl, dont let one fall keep you on the ground, its when you fall and stand back up you become better.

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Agreement #2, "Never Take Anything Personal". This is one of the four agreements that if you make with yourself, you will be on your road to happiness here on Earth.


I highly recommend reading this book:


"The Four Agreements : A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom" by Don Miguel Ruiz


Great book, and if you can live by the four agreements, you will be one happy person! It is an easy read that makes so much sense and will make you think in a totally different light.


Good Luck!

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