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oh man its summer time

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Well I'm excited that its summer because we are out of school but.... yesterday i was at the park with a guy friend who goes to another school. There were several pretty girls from his school there and the pool opened yesterday.... they wanted to go swim and I didn't want to. One girl thought maybe I didn't want to get burnt or something and snuck up behind me and pulled up my shirt. The girls thought i was cute at first but when my shirt was pulled up they thought i was gross. I've got a pretty hairry stomach for a 16 yr old..... worse than my brother and hes like 35 and it IS embarrassing. So the rest of the day they acted awkward around me and were digusted to touch me or anything... it upset me and I want to do something about it before I go to the pool with my friends at my school. I've even got hair on my back ... and i dont know the best solution to get rid of it.. just for the summer. I don't have a lot of money to spend on this.



If I shaved it, how are some ways of making it less visible and a closer shave? what are the best ways to help prevent ingrown hairs, and what type of razor cremes etc should i use? thank you!

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Well, I would suggest waxing. It is a bit of an expensive but it will last for most of the summer. Can you ask your brother about it, or your mum? It's not a major problem. The girls are just immature if they thought it was gross. All of us vary in how much bodily hair we have. My friend has the hairiest legs EVER, and hes only 18!! My girl friend gets her stomach and back waxed because she has really dark hair and pale skin so it stands out a mile.

It's not abnormal! But I wouldn't recommend shaving, because a) you'll get a rash, and b) you can't reach your back! and c) it will be very obvious!



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Waxing is the way to go.

I would advise against shaving because the hair comes back thicker.

I wax my legs, arms, back, stomach.. practically everywhere.

If you don't like wax and you have light skin, you could try bleaching which will turn the hair blonde and it will hardly notice.

Good luck

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i have light skin but i tan easy, its just hard for me to get a tan because of embarrassment and my parents dont like people running around without shirts trying to get tans all the time..... with the bleach thing could you bleach it and then shave it? what kind of bleach would u use, clorox?

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Shaving will most likely make the hair grow back more pointy.

A quick method would be to buy a hair removal cream such as Veet.

Some people use Nair but I hear it's not as effective.

If it's the first time you are using it, do a test patch first.

Make sure you follow the instructions and dontl eave it longer than it says on the instructions.

Then all you would have to do is apply the cream every 5 days or week.

It's much easier than shaving or waxing and not painful either.

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DO NOT USE CLOROX. You can buy hair bleaching kits at places like CVS, which should not be as hard on your skin and hair as a household bleach such as Clorox.


If you have someone who would be willing to shave your chest regularly, then you could do that. I would really recommend waxing though. Chest might be pretty painful, but back would probably not be, and it would last a long time. Might your parents be willing to pay for it?


Those girls are really immature. A lot of guys have hair at your age: they better get used to it! If your hair is making you feel self-conscious, then you can go ahead and remove it, but don't do it just for them!

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Don't shave it!! The hairs becomes damaged and spilts in two ,so then you have two.Or, just as bad, it looks thicker on regrowth because the fine tip of the hair has been cut off. It can be a never ending daily chore with shaving too.

Waxing would be far better for you as it weakens the hair and it grows finer with time and lasts for weeks. Try a private small clinic.

Or at home, hair remover would be a good option.

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that makes sense .... it feels sorta awkward being 16 going to a spa somewhere and having them wax your back, stomach and chest though.... is buying wax expensive? i think i could wax myself maybe... itll take a little time but i think i could manage it, its not that difficult is it? i just want it to be effective.

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Just get used to it. Don't be embarrassed about it -- it's natural, after all. If someone tries to make fun of you, just say something that points out the immaturity of their statement (ie "You have hair!" / "Uh, yeah, obviously." and then move on to the next subject). They'll calm down when they start to grow hair. Hahaha

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we had a big discussion about hairry guys in my psychology class and theres about 50 of us and more than half are girls and they all hated hairry guys .... and im just self conscious about it anyways, ever since i was little i always hated hairry bodies, it just freaks me out...

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