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So after 2 grueling months of NC, made contact, and boy, when they say say NC stick on NC, you don't need the drama, you don't need the pain, because chances are you aren't fully healed yet.


Right now, I really regret making that phone call. The ball's in her court now, and she thinks everything is okay between the two of us. It's really far from that. I only know two tidbits of info about her from the last time we talked, everything's great for her, she's got a new car, new life etc. Makes you wonder where she managed to get the money for the new car. (prolly her new flame helped out, more reassurance why I should stay as far away from her, i don't want to know if she's got a new BF) her b-day's coming up and she wants to hang out. By all means, more reasons for me to stay away.


Hopefully things will be made right, all that is wrong will be set back in place. Because in honesty, I'm really hurt, hurt with the fact that she has not mentioned anything about how she misses me or anything. I doubt she misses me or wants to get back, she's already happy without me. I'm expecting too much especially when I'm hoping that she would reconcile. I'm just playing games with my head. She'll never. I'm not hopeful for this at all. So I will struggle and fight each day and hopefully the sun will shine again.

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Hey man, I know the pain all to well. It happened to me over and over and over again, the same situation to where I almost gave up on love, gave up on girls, and my life in general. Time passed and it seemed my depression was taking over. Everything I thought of was, "if i did this or that", "what's wrong with me", "What did I do wrong", etc, etc. Time kept passing and I finally found this site. I finally had a place where I could write all my feelings no matter what time of day or where and realized that there are people just like me in the exact same situation. This site is filled with people with the similar situations as of you and the feelings that you feel.


Understand that first, things happen and you just have to let them be. The only thing you can focus on are your behaviors towards the actions that have happened. You can't change what has been done, and you can't change how people behave or what they do, but you can alter how you think and live your life by the choices that YOU make. By doing "no contact" it isn't to get even, or to be depressed, or to put both of you at pain. The point of no contact is a time in your life where you can reflect on yourself, notice your importance, find your balance in life and help you reflect on the postives and negatives of your past situation. Sure there would be things you would have done different. Remember these situations and learn from them. Also reflect on the postive things that made you proud when you were in the relationship. Notice your strengths, notice your importance.


The problem doesn't lie in you. A relationship is a two-way street. It's a commitment based on trust, honor, and ultimatley love. If your relationship didn't work out, it wasn't because you made it that way or it was because of what you "didn't do". It was because there was an imbalance between the both of you. An imbalance that severley affected both people. What I have learned was that no matter what situation you are in, life we always go on. And no matter where I go in life, I realize that "I" will always be there. Wherever I go, "I" will be with me. Once you realize how important you are to yourself then you can realize that a girl that you care about is only part of your reality. A reality of great importance. I hope this inspires you and helps you on your way to recovery.



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I think the thread meant NC "Take 2" like the movie thing. I've thought about breaking nc and just giving her a little message on msn...or something. But everytime I do I think of all the pain I have put past me, do i really want that back? I gave myself a solid month to try to get her back, and it didnt work. So now I'm about me. What do I want to do tonight? where do I want to go? And yes everyday is a struggle, and you win and lose sometimes. But in the end your such a stronger individual. for me, take it day by day helped. Then start figuring out thing you've always wanted, and work for it. Cuz that day you have what you want, what else matters?

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