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I wish there was a quick and painless way of killing myself.

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Sorry Ross, but I agree with the others. You spend a great deal of time complaining about your problems and negative time doing something about them.


Right now I can't afford counseling so when I was in town, I bought myself a few books on handling my own anxiety problems, overcoming abuse, etc. When I'm not at work, I'm reviewing techniques for handling my problems, planning out my future (I'm going back to school), and keeping quite busy.


There's no reason you can't be applying for jobs and getting yourself prepared to deal with that. Lots of people have severe SA disorder and still work. They force themselves too.


What would happen if your parents hadn't let you stay in their home? You would not have had a choice but to find a job and get out in the real world and do something about your problems.


Think of this as having no choice, because in reality you don't. You're getting older and can't live with mom & dad forever. You need to have a job to live a real life. You have to learn to look after yourself and maintain your life and problems on your own. Although you complain about your parents, you have yet to make the move to get out of there and live your own life.

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Hi Ross,


Its funny and random what I am saying here but just listen. I always thought that I lived in an awful place and that if I could only get out of here and escape to the 'UK' everything would turn out absolutely perfect for me! I still have this strange idea in my head that the UK is heaven or something, so I find it very interesting that someone FROM the UK is exactly having the same thoughts as me here in TEXAS.


It is kind of eye opening actually.


I did follow my dreams, and did live in the UK for a while. What I remember was that on every corner there was a pub and there was always a friend, roommate, workmate, or someone that was willing to go down to the pub for a drink and have a laugh. The energy of the city 'london' was amazing and there was always new places to discover.


Now I am back in Texas and the other day when I was bleaching a stain out of my shirt in my kitchen sink, just for a mili second I thought - I could just take a shot of the bleach and everything would be perfect. I would be dead and I would not have to suffer any of this pain that my depression and anxiety have been causing me.


I really thought about it, really considered it. Then I thought, I couldn't possiby kill myself because there is ALWAYS a chance that I may get to go back to London someday and live in my perfect world.


You are totally ruining this for me because you ARE in that place, but you are not happy! What is going on here?? Could it possibly be that these ideas are all really in our head and that we 'create' these fantastical places, people, and things that are supposed to ultimately make us happy??


I suggest you do the thing that you are most afraid of that takes a lot of courage. You will be free. Then you can look back at where you were and be OK.






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I know you're joking but I seriously wish I could. I don't know how though.


You cant until you get a jobso dont worry about it. Listen Ross I have been over this wiht you in a few threads and now you have some other telling you the same thing: Quit wasting your time "wondering" and "iffing" on here and start doing the things you need to do to get your life in order. I am sure the States would offer you no more than you get in the UK. Again you cannot move there and even if you did through marriage the immigration system takes forever. Then you have no NHS to support you health needs and you are no better off. Jeez man get a grip.

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You cant until you get a jobso dont worry about it. Listen Ross I have been over this wiht you in a few threads and now you have some other telling you the same thing: Quit wasting your time "wondering" and "iffing" on here and start doing the things you need to do to get your life in order. I am sure the States would offer you no more than you get in the UK. Again you cannot move there and even if you did through marriage the immigration system takes forever. Then you have no NHS to support you health needs and you are no better off. Jeez man get a grip.


America is more my sort of place though, and as for getting work around here I'm worried about getting bullied because a lot of the people around here are those kinds of people.

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You can come to the USA through an organizatoin called BUNAC. I went through them to go from the USA to the UK. There are requirements and they are different for each country depending on where you live, but it is a great way to spend time away from home and work on getting to know yourself better. Check it out, it helped me greatly!


I believe the major requirement is that you are a student at the time or just graduated, but I would read about all of the differnet options and choices that are available.


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There are 'those kinds of people' no matter where you go.


People are never happy where they are, it's basically a fact. "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."


Trust me, America is just as crowded, poluted, and full of rude people as the UK is. And health care costs a fortune too.

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Ross the "I can'ts, I don't know's" and the rest of the poor excuses you have are a bit repetitive.

Tyler has given you some great advice not only on this thread but on others for you. I think we could talk till we are blue in the face and the end result would be an "I can't" from you.


In America we have a saying "S*** or get off the pot"

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There are 'those kinds of people' no matter where you go.


People are never happy where they are, it's basically a fact. "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."


Trust me, America is just as crowded, poluted, and full of rude people as the UK is. And health care costs a fortune too.


No, but it's a lot worse round here. I used to live somewhere else and it was no where near as bad.

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I know you're joking but I seriously wish I could. I don't know how though.


Not joking at all! Your accent will do wonders . I wish I had one. You can get a resident/work visa for a short time, or even just take a vacation here for a few weeks. Go to your local embassy. Or if all else fails, you can just come in through Mexico like everyone else.

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Ross the "I can'ts, I don't know's" and the rest of the poor excuses you have are a bit repetitive.

Tyler has given you some great advice not only on this thread but on others for you. I think we could talk till we are blue in the face and the end result would be an "I can't" from you.


In America we have a saying "S*** or get off the pot"


Does S*** mean smoke?

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You can come to the USA through an organizatoin called BUNAC. I went through them to go from the USA to the UK. There are requirements and they are different for each country depending on where you live, but it is a great way to spend time away from home and work on getting to know yourself better. Check it out, it helped me greatly!


I believe the major requirement is that you are a student at the time or just graduated, but I would read about all of the differnet options and choices that are available.


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I am certain you have to be under 30.

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Ross the "I can'ts, I don't know's" and the rest of the poor excuses you have are a bit repetitive.

Tyler has given you some great advice not only on this thread but on others for you. I think we could talk till we are blue in the face and the end result would be an "I can't" from you.


In America we have a saying "S*** or get off the pot"


Okay, let's say I go to work, get bullied which is something I really can't handle, obviously I'd have to quit my job, possibly not be able to get back on sickness benefit with my confidence and self esteem even more shattered than it is now.


Things aren't as simple as what you think they are. This isn't just a case of me being lazy, or that I could just easily do it or whatever.

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Not joking at all! Your accent will do wonders . I wish I had one. You can get a resident/work visa for a short time' date=' or even just take a vacation here for a few weeks. Go to your local embassy. Or if all else fails, you can just come in through Mexico like everyone else.[/quote']


Well, I was talking about you joking about coming over to America. A lot of people have told me that American girls really like the British accent (I wonder why that is?)


I wouldn't really want to go over there for a vacation though, I'd really like to move over there permenently.

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Okay, let's say I go to work, get bullied which is something I really can't handle, obviously I'd have to quit my job, possibly not be able to get back on sickness benefit with my confidence and self esteem even more shattered than it is now.


Things aren't as simple as what you think they are. This isn't just a case of me being lazy, or that I could just easily do it or whatever.


Your right man. Bullying sucks. All I can say is you dont know unitl you get out there. I am gonna be very real here with you. You are wearing out your welcome with a lot of people and have already. You have been told things over and over again but you are too self-centred to seriously take anything anyone says into consideration. Even though you are referring to your problems here when not listening its no different then not listening to someone in any situation. I truly believe you are hearing what people say however you are not listening. These are two very different things. You take peoples patience for granted. Ross no one likes to be taken for granted.

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I looked on the website and it varies from country to country...


On this side, it looks like you have to be a student unless you want to volunteer in South Africa.


Yes and you need to look at age limits (cut off is usually 30), money needs (around 2000 pounds), sometimes health insurance (especially for the US, look to pay 150 pounds for 3 months), flights (at least 300 pounds).


So pray tell how does on afford this wihtout a job.

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Your right man. Bullying sucks. All I can say is you dont know unitl you get out there. I am gonna be very real here with you. You are wearing out your welcome with a lot of people and have already. You have been told things over and over again but you are too self-centred to seriously take anything anyone says into consideration. Even though you are referring to your problems here when not listening its no different then not listening to someone in any situation. I truly believe you are hearing what people say however you are not listening. These are two very different things. You take peoples patience for granted. Ross no one likes to be taken for granted.


Fine I'll leave the site then, bye everyone.


Believe it or not this site was actually helping me.

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I am certain you have to be under 30.


The programme does not require that - it says the following for working in the USA and for SUMMER CAMP:


Quote from link removed"

aged at least 18 years old by 1st June 2006;

a current full-time student at an accredited UK university* on a degree or HND course (or equivalent) and returning to the same course or a similar level of course at the end of the summer."


I think you are talking about getting that youth card? The ISIC card? To be able to participate?


If you are friends with the people at STA travel they will give you a youth card if you on the 'edge' of thirties. Ha ha, I know how to get what I want!!...

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The programme does not require that - it says the following for working in the USA and for SUMMER CAMP:


Quote from link removed"

aged at least 18 years old by 1st June 2006;

a current full-time student at an accredited UK university* on a degree or HND course (or equivalent) and returning to the same course or a similar level of course at the end of the summer."


I think you are talking about getting that youth card? The ISIC card? To be able to participate?


If you are friends with the people at STA travel they will give you a youth card if you on the 'edge' of thirties. Ha ha, I know how to get what I want!!...


No sorry I was referring to a general work visa, but they may not have those for the US, I know the Irish can get a J1 work visa, brits not so sure. But as you can see uni is needed to get it.

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I looked on the website and it varies from country to country...


On this side, it looks like you have to be a student unless you want to volunteer in South Africa.


Beyondthesea - I really like your location 'where the streets have no name' - I wish I knew how to find that place.




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No sorry I was referring to a general wokr visa. But as you can see uni is needed to get it.


I completely agree with you tylercdurden2004,


Well maybe if ROSS has something to look forward to, a 'GOAL' like travelling, moving, girls, etc., he may realize that a job and/or education is needed to achieve his goal. Without a goal, what is the point really??

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I can't give you much advice on dating, but I do know how to enjoy life! My advice is to relax. Take a vacation. It doesn't matter if you live in London, or in America, if you're miserable then you're miserable. So, what do you enjoy doing? How is London. I've always wanted to go there. You can pm me if you want to. A girl isn't worth killing yourself over!

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I completely agree with you tylercdurden2004,


Well maybe if ROSS has something to look forward to, a 'GOAL' like travelling, moving, girls, etc., he may realize that a job and/or education is needed to achieve his goal. Without a goal, what is the point really??


I think he has stated his overall goal/s of getting girl etc. But first things first and there is no point in giving advice that is not really ognna happen until some primary steps are taken.

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