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I find myself longing all the time...

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I constantly find myself longing for my ex. I don't know why I can't get over her. I sent her a text the other day because I knew that she was the maid of honor in her best frineds wedding and that she had to make a speech, I of course got no response. I have not spoken to her (aside from a few very short emails which more or less she told me that she did not see the point in being friends or anything) in many months (6). Each and every day I miss her terribly and I do not know what to do. I am completely broken and its been so long. I would love to simply have a "good" day but I feel as though I simply can't be happy. I wonder about her, and what she is doing and how she feels although I know that it is pointless. Oh how I miss her so!!!!!

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Dogg you can't be happy because you are dwelling in the past. You are letting your thoughts of this girl rule your life! It's past time to take charge of things yourself. She blatantly told you, in essense, to leave her alone and yet you find excuses to keep contacting her. Leave her alone dogg. Respect her wishes. I know rejection sucks but does dwelling in the past suck any less? I would say no. Not judging by your posts it doesn't.


Take charge of your life man.

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What you're going through is very much real. Unfortunately she has made up her mind and probably has moved one. You need to do the same.


You should find something else that you're passionate about. Like a new job or hobbie - definetely not a new girl - for now.


Just try to think about something that you enjoy doing and put all your effort into that. That should take you into a new path and your mind off your ex.


I know, it's easier said than done, but give it a try. I'm going through a break up too, and I'm trying to do the same. So far so good.


Good luck!!

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It takes so long to get over a breakup! You keep thinking the misery should end, but it just drags on. It does get better, but contacting her won't do you any favors. You'll just pace and wait for a response that if it arrives will remind you of your pain.

You need to let go of that fantasy in your head.


It helped me.

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