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So is sex really overrated?

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You could be right, trying to be positive and having hope just always seems to lead to soul crushing disappointments for me.


Ross, I've been reading this thread with interest. You've gotten some great advice.


You need to take some risks. That's all there is to it. Until you are ready and fed-up enough to go "hey, yeah things might go wrong, but it's better than sitting around knowing things ARE wrong/miserable/negative." ,

nothing will happen.

You'll be complaining of the same old woes in a few years until you decide 'F-it. I'm going for something better'.


BTW: Having hope and being positive simple do not lead to soul-crushing disappointments.

Life=being disappointed sometimes.

Whether you are trying to lead a full life, or sitting on your butt.


Disappointments can not be avoided. Might as well make them worth it.

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Welcome to life buddy! We all have disappointments and shortcomings. It's not an uncommon thing.


The point of life is to get through the obstacles without giving up. I really think you feel a lot of pity for yourself and that is something that shows up to everyone, especially women.


I dated a guy like you once who was all "poor me" and negative and needing constant reassurance...it got old...very quickly. I hated having to be his crutch and I dropped him.


Have some hope pal. Do you have some fatal disease you haven't mentioned to us yet? Then you still have a long life ahead of you to be so miserable and self hating!

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Welcome to life buddy! We all have disappointments and shortcomings. It's not an uncommon thing.


The point of life is to get through the obstacles without giving up. I really think you feel a lot of pity for yourself and that is something that shows up to everyone, especially women.


I dated a guy like you once who was all "poor me" and negative and needing constant reassurance...it got old...very quickly. I hated having to be his crutch and I dropped him.


Have some hope pal. Do you have some fatal disease you haven't mentioned to us yet? Then you still have a long life ahead of you to be so miserable and self hating!


I guess you're right, I think I do give up too easily and think I'm defeated and that's it.

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  • 7 months later...

Is there something else in your life that you want to do aside from wanting to get laid? Maybe if you tried improving in other aspects of your life, women will start getting attracted to you. It's not all about the looks. Even if you're attractive but you got nothing goin on for you, women would not want to date you. So, it's better to think about improving other aspects like career, or try gettin into a hobby then maybe somebody will start getting attracted to you.

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