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So is sex really overrated?

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Nice you offer some impressions of your feelings during childhood. Do you realize that most childrens feelings are rather unsophisticated and that they just copy wo thinking? Guess at the time you were much more sensitive and did not connect well with kids. (I had less than 5 friends through college and no girls)


You have not really answered about your feelings today. Would you please

sleep on it and get back to us?


About Stephen, it would be enlightening to you if you would look up his web page and read about his life.

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Ross, take this easy test, answer truthfully and no matter what the outcome is post the result here. there is no wrong type but it will help understand yourelf and who you would do best with.



link removed It's for guys and girls and a lot of fun.


The OkCupid Test will gauge your inner workings and then classify you into 1 of 32 dating types. Among other things, we'll be analyzing your sex drive, predictability, intelligence, love experience, and inherent goodness. We do a lot of math to calculate your results, and all you have to do is answer honestly.


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Hi Ross -


Sorry you're still feeling bad. I do think sex is everything is hyped to be and the day will come for you.


Don't be so down about how long its taking and start working on making it happen.


It'll never happen, I'm just going to die a worthless (well, worthless to women) virgin, unless I hire an escort which I've thought a lot about (basically shyness, lack of money and transportation which has stopped me so far), but I bet even with this the Gods will be against me, and they'll end up being some sort of complication so I can't even go this route.


I could be meeting someone who I've met online but I bet even that'll go wrong for me.

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My result was the boy next door, but a lot of the things in the description were wrong.


Why were they wrong? did you lie on the answers?



The Boy Next Door

Random Gentle Love Dreamer (RGLDm)


"On paper, most girls would name the Boy Next Door as their ideal mate. In the real world, however, you're often passed over for more dangerous or masculine men. You're the typical "nice guy without just a touch of cockiness, you're doomed with girls. A shoulder to cry on? Okay, sure. But never a penis to hold."



dangerous or masculine men = confidence/boldness/cockiness, so go practice and get some

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Well obviously the creepy guy thing was a joke, but it was how they were saying I should avoid nymphs (I'd love to find a nymph ), and it was just basically going on as though I was fridgid, like saying my horny side is waiting to come out.


Sorry for sounding crude here, but I'm just trying to explain to McGuyver.


I think there may have been a coupla other things as well

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Sex is good, but making love is something else

We have a winner.


Physical sex can be amazing, but mix it with the emotions of taking in the whole experience of you and your partner being there, there can be no better high.


Ross, don't torture yourself like this. You sound like a person on a strict diet who's looking at someone eating the latest candy bar that you've never tasted and you're asking, "That must taste goooooooood! Can, can you taste the peanuts in it? That must taste goooooooood! Can, can, can you taste the caramel? That must taste goooooooood! De... describe it for me. What does the combination of peanuts, caramel, toffee, almonds and chocolate taste like. That must taste gooooooooood!"


Ross if you really want sex, you'll be surprised at where you can find it. Prostitution is one, but of course that is not a healthy or wise decision. I thought about that 10 years ago but feared the microscopic eight legged monsters that will parade up and down my crotch like a Thanksgiving Day Parade. Have patience, your time will come...


...and so will you. \\

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Well obviously the creepy guy thing was a joke, but it was how they were saying I should avoid nymphs (I'd love to find a nymph ), and it was just basically going on as though I was fridgid, like saying my horny side is waiting to come out.



Avoid the "Nymph" as described by the test!!


"It appears like you're looking for a fling or a casual sexual relationship, but it's not that simple. You're a hungry but also very careful person, and this generates a certain amount of sexual tension within you and in your relationships. In other aspects of life, you get what you want. In relationships, that's not always the case. It's possible you intimidate potential lovers. Most likely, though, you're a little closed off--thereforeeee mysterious--and, naturally, people find that difficult to get with. Maybe it's just part of your selection"



Heck, I've even dated the "Genghis Khunt" and every other type there including playing w/ whips and chains (you may not want to try this) but you aren't me....


Your horny side is waiting to come out and we're all waiting for you to GO OUT!

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but feared the microscopic eight legged monsters that will parade up and down my crotch like a Thanksgiving Day Parade.


gone in 3 days, easy to get rid of.


A friend of mine got them while in traction in a hospital, seems the little monsters can jump from person to person...

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It's a beautiful day outside. The image you have of yourself is the one you project. Comes down to that if you view yourself as a worthless creature, you will be seen as a worthless creature (more or less).

So you don't have the confidence to exude, and appeal...? By the way, attraction isn't so much about looks. Physical Attraction will get you to talk to the girl, after those 3 mns, you 're on your own. (that's where you get the opportunity to shine with your persona).


I agree with pretty much what everyone else said.


Now to get the girl, stand straight and if really you don't think you have a single chance then stop caring so much about it. Put a smile on your face and live your life for yourself. Put sex and love out of your mind and live your life for yourself, do things that make you happy. When you can have fun, with your friends and just live to enjoy the moment NOT caring if a girl is crazy about you or not, it comes off as confidence. In less terms, work at being happier with who you are, and the unexplainable auras of confidence that you will have in the things you do, the way you behave will surely turn some heads your way.

So work at meeting people, on a perfectly platonic basis, and if she turns out to be somewhat very interesting to you, you could ask her for a date then. But let's keep it platonic now and meet more women.


Then you could also try "The System" (google that)




Sex is good usually. depends of how you feel relating with your partner. sex can be bad, if you stop being attracted to your partner (or if you're doing favors).

everyone is stimulated differently, so the wrong partner could be unable to fulfill your desires and bring satisfaction. (like they are doing it all wrong-- that's where communication becomes really important.

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I've googled the system all sorts of different things came up.


What's it about?


try in google


stephen hawking homepage


His life is quite something (never mind the science aspect, which is not important here).


What I mean is his disability...


link removed


And some images: link removed

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Just something for you to consider.


About, oh, 14 years ago I dated a guy similar to you. He was in his 30's, sexually and relationship-wise inexperienced and very, very down on himself. I thought he was attractive. I liked the guy. A lot.


However, after a few months of dating and having a sexual relationship, his negative attitude really started to wear on me.


I thought he was physically attractive. He thought he was hideous and never spared an opportunity to voice that opinion.


Life is difficult enough to deal with even when you consicously try to maintain a positive outlook. It becomes a horrible, joyless burden when you go out of your way to make yourself miserable with endless negative attitudes.


In the end, it wasn't his sexual/relationship inexperience or his physical appearance that drove me away. It was the negative, gloom-and-doom attitude he had about himself. I just couldn't see living my life with someone who insisted on believing he was damaged goods, and who refused to make the most of the many advantages he did have.


As time has passed, I came to the realization that some people are just content being miserable. He's definitely like that. Maybe that's the case with you, too.

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