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love and distance, does long distance always take over love?

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can someone please help me understand............if your in love with someone but they move away or are far away form you so that you dont see them for mnths can your love for them become less?

my bf was so madly in love with me but now im overseas for 6mnths and he said he still loves me but he feels less and he thinks it is because im not there, is that possible? doesnt distance make the heart fonder? pls help me know, i want to understand where hes at.

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Hey buckley

O i hate what's happenein 2 u, i'm afraid it might happen 2 me but it ain't no-where as serious, i'm just an insecure person.


I think it can.. long distance relationships tend 2 make ppl drift apart, but as soon and if u kno u'll see each other soon or b able 2 maintain contact regularly.. it doesn't happen. It's definitely possible, afterall, we're human, it's hard 2 believe what we can't see and if he can't see u.. then his head somehow just doesn't remind him that u exist in his life as often as it should.


Happy Heb

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Hey Buckley,


Long distance relationships can and do work providing you are with the right person. If the bond is strong, you will both be willing to make the sacrifices necessary in such a relationship, and it won't matter whether you're two miles away from him or whether he's in Paris and you're on the moon.


My best friend and I went off to a college twelve hours from our hometown five years ago. His girlfriend went to school locally and so they only had the opportunity to see each other during holiday breaks and a little bit over summer. Five years later -- four-and-one-half of which he spent up at the college without her -- they are still together and going strong, and he just successfully proposed to her a few weeks back.


Best of luck to you!

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2 of my only relationships ended mostly bc they were turned into long distance relationships (not even that far away but guys suck)... It was all only going to be temporary for a few months anyway... 1 relationship ending bc i fell out of love or realized love wasnt what i felt with him.. THe other 1 howver, ended for NO reason other then a lazy guy not willing to put in effort to make it work- or mayybe he just ran scared....


U can see how bitter i am because basically it hink its all ridiculous. Distance does make the heart grow fonder, but as more time passes in my opinion i think the other person becomes more comfortable with the absense and eventually there feelings become buried...

BUt im only basing this on my horrible experiences.. Im sorry your in this situation..I hope i made some sense to you.. And please feel free PMing me if you wanna talk or ask questions or compare notes...


Good lUck- i mean it.

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Hey There Buckley !


I wrote these line in a song once :


"Abscense, makes the heart grow weaker,

Contrary to what they say,

They don't have to part with you,

for all those lonely days"


Long distance relationships take very certain type of people for it to work.

The relationship must be rock solid - and I mean rock solid. Out of sight, out of mind - and insecurities can start to play funny games with your head.


Communication between you would be very important - but thats not the entire solution. The state of the relationship has a huge part to play in the success of the long distancer.


As it turned out - after I wrote those words, I eneded up going away with the girl - I couldn't bear the thought of being without her for the time.

Subsequently, that relatinoship finished - well a few years later - but I know the feeling well.


If your relationship is up for it - then it can work with good communication, ground rules, and trust ! Trust is the other important key.


Hope this helps you !



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