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I dunno but now that I was heard or even heard somewhere else that if babies hit their head before they are 1 year old, it's more than likely they will experience brain damage or cause them to act crazy.


My story goes from back almost 4 years ago, when my brother (now 4) was about 7-9 months. I was 15 at the time and I was so obsess with checkers and well my brother got out of the sit, I wasn't even looking. I was kept playing cheackers till I heard out of a loud sound on my carpet.

He had fallen down and crying off course, so I calm him down. I kinda froze seeing this, that was my first reaction. This by the way was the only time he ever fell with me, cuz this was the first time I was left home alone with him. Yea talk about carelessness.


This went untold until yesterday, my brother gave me a headache. LOL, no matter how I yell or tell him what to do, not to do, you never obeys me, only my parents, mainly my dad. Well yesterday he was all wild, screaming, throwing tantrums, jumping on the bed, etc. My mom asked me if he had ever fallen at a such younger age (lol, yea sometimes my mom isn't that stupid), so I told told yea almost 4 years. So she was like "You should have told me, it should have been serious", I told her I didn't think it was that serious so it lay untold" But now I dunno, I never fell down before being 1 year old. And no he still doesn't quite talk, only in sounds, gestures, all he says is the word "agua" (water in spanish).


So if there was something wrong in his brain, then it'll be all my fault.

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So if there was something wrong in his brain, then it'll be all my fault.

No it won't, toddlers hit their heads all the time and often don't even cry. If there is any damage, which is unlikely, it could have been from any number of times he did it when you weren't there.


I have two daughters and two grandkids - seen 'em do it a lot.

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Ok thanx DN, feeling much better now. Besides if there was something wrong or even signs of autism the psychologists or psyciatrists would have say it by now. They found no sign of brain damage nor autism, nor of it, it was just speech delay, no hearing impairment either.

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