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Well, he is leaving at the end of this month. He really insists we are going to see each other. In fact, I had planned to go down to FL to see him the weekend of June 30. He said that was fine. I was planning to take the train but then did some research on flights and found one at almost the same price as the train - obviously shorter travel time. The only thing is it would be harder to change travel dates. So, I asked him if he was for sure going to be available that weekend b/c I didn't want to get the tickets and then lose my money. He said to wait until 2 weeks before because he is taking his daughter to Europe for 2 weeks and they have not worked out when yet. She is very busy getting ready to go to college at the end of July. So he said don't do anything yet. I kept my cool because I realize he loves his daughter very much. So, I said I will just leave it up to you to come see me then. I didn't want to wait until just 2 weeks before - the fare would probably go up greatly by then. I have decided not to put any more effort into this. I get such mixed signals - that he really likes me, etc. and then this. Am I overreacting? For some reason that really hurt me but I don't want to be selfish because one of the things I like about him is his dedication to his daughter. Thanks.

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Not sure of the details, but you may be able to more easily change the booking date for a train ticket as opposed to a plane ticket. In general when travelling if you buy full fare tickets, you can often change the travel dates with little or no penalty.


It can be tricky trying to coordinate the various events in our lives. In a way it was good he told you that plans with his daughter were not firm. Some other options could be worse were he to either say don't book anything, or if he were to tell you to book then later come back and say plans had changed.


Once his daughter is off to college I would think scheduling would be far easier. Until that time he's likely somewhat focussed on seeing her off. That can be emotional for a dad too, so whatever you do it may be best not to step inbetween them. When she does leave, there may be more of an emotional void in him that he will want you to fill.

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Hi. Thanks for your input. I tend to overreact a bit sometimes. Luckily I didn't say anything to him. He is definitely dedicated to his daughter which is so nice. I'm just a little overemotional right now and feelig vulnerable.

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Hey, it happens. And that's okay. Unforunately your post didn't get many replies (I'm not sure why actually ...) but that is what the forum is for.


Hopefully things will settle through the summer. Just keep talking to him.

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