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Soooooooo Close!!

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that guy that i like, well he quit werk and i was just talkin' to him on msn and he asked me wut i was up to this weekend and i told him that i didnt know yet and then he said that he didn't know yet either and i was SOOO CLOSE TO ASKING HIM TO HANG OUT! but then it hit me lol i can't do it!!!!! i have no guts and i'm afraid of i dunno wut!! well we talked for almost a half an hour and it was realli cool!! and then before he left he said "well i gotta go ill talk to u later k alright?" ...isn't that a beautiful sign??? lol last time we talked on msn he just said "well i g2g cya" ...im making progress!!!!! i can feel it now maybe next time we talk on msn ill actually do it haha ...but this guy isnt flirty at all i was like "u left me at werk with all the weird people" and he just said "lol" ???? ...i'm thinkin of just letting this guy go because he's not even making an attempt lol but then i feel like i'm getting closer ...i dunno! any opinions?????

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He liked me first (cuz his friend told my friend) and my feelings for him developed over time ...and he told people that he thinks that i'm really hot ...and quit some time ago he asked me for my number but was too shy to call...so i know for sure that he's into me ...but if he only wants to be friends i guess that's okay with me...i doubt it though...but still, i don't understand why he won't ask me out i would say yes in a heartbeat!

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He liked me first (cuz his friend told my friend) and my feelings for him developed over time ...and he told people that he thinks that i'm really hot ...and quit some time ago he asked me for my number but was too shy to call...so i know for sure that he's into me ...but if he only wants to be friends i guess that's okay with me...i doubt it though...but still, i don't understand why he won't ask me out i would say yes in a heartbeat!


Maybe you should ask him to do something as friends. Then if you start to spend more time doing stuff together like going to see a movie etc., he might get the courage to ask you out on a real date.

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