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Do you think your aura has anything to do with attracting people?

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I never said i jumped into the sack wehn he said that to me!


I did start seeing him but not till afew months later, and by OTT i meant he was too erm... how to put it......... soppy


Nice guy syndrome eh?


Im not knocking anyone, but have ya ever thought of taking a deep breath and just walking up? i mean, i always think.. whats the worse that could happen? they say no? it wont kill me


Yeah but it's hard if you're shy, plus being shy makes it hard to have an instinct for the right sort of situation to do it in.

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thats the thing, i didnt fall for his line....


and Ross there are so many girls who probably have liked you, but themselves have been too scared to approach.

I used to be really shy, about everything, i couldnt look at someone without blushing lol.

Then i met my boyfriend now and he was perfect at the beginning n then it went wrong 2 yrs later. Im trying to say you have to do afew things wrong before you get to the right stuff

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I worked in a night club once, and 1 night a guy came over and told me i had a beautiful aura and that he just had to speak to me.


And i started seeing him


thats the thing, i didnt fall for his line....


i'll just have to take your word for it, i guess.

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sometimes though Ross you need to experience things befoer you learn what you did, or do wrong.


Ya gonna have to take that risk, and if you dont you only have yourself to blame. I know its really difficult but with all due respect there are far more uglier men than you, your not even ugly!! you just dont give out a vibe that your approachable? i dont know, but ya really need to try, my god even get some dutch courage if ya ahve to lol.


Maybe just ask a girl, that you know for a fact will reject you, and you will realise that she is not going to laugh at you, and if she does that behind your back, it isnt any of your business so just get on with things. The word NO is not going to kill ya, it may dent ya ego but hey? even stunners get told no now n again...

It seems as though you believe everyone is shallow anyway, im sure if you got to know somebody your personality would outweigh any physical insecurities you have.

When i first got with my boyfriend, (patooey) i was self conscious of my feet!! and my arms because i had a skin condition, but he liked me, and he saw it and was like "is that it?" and you blow it up for yourself so much in our mind that i was like "you what??? why dont you think im minging?" lol

Ya really need to try, or noone else will bother

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I know I always say this, but, photo's can be deceptive, I could look quite ugly in real life. I know I sorta look different in the mirror anyway.


Anyway, I don't think all girls are shallow, I think I've basically been around the wrong kind for most of my life, they just seem to be either mainly into alpha males, or guys who're really nice looking.


Anyway, I don't think I have 'it'.

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believe me, ive had an awful past. My self esteem was rock bottom i tried many times to do silly things if ya get my drift. I never thought id ever be loved, or be in love in my entire life and then i met someone. Granted he wasnt right for me but i never thought even being as young as i am that id ever find someone.....

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