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i am 15 years old and in love a older man

he is in his 40's

i have try to forget him but i can't

is it a crush or is it me

i have never had a boyfriend

but he as a girlfriend

that i don't like

or she cares about is him

i know she dosn't like me

because when he ask her to move

i know she hated me

and i really hate her

more then she hates me

i am a jealous cow

i have to get everything that he as got

i have try to break them up

and i am happy for him and her

they have been to togerher for a year now

it will be 2 years in february

want can i do to forget him and move on


and he thinks it's funny to


and she thinks it's funny


and i really really hate her


please can someone help before it gets out of hand

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What is it that you wish to happen? You ask for help. Do you understand the problem? Why do you feel this way for this man? Your anger towards her is like you said jealousy.


You need to understand that you cannot be with him in an intimate relationship for many reasons. Not to mention that such a union is illegal. Clearly this situation is negative for you. You need to separate your self from it.


Have you spoken to your parents about this? I don't think your friends are experienced enough to give you solid advice. Maybe speak to one of their parents? A school counselor can also give you some good advice with this issue.


What you are feeling is normal. It's okay to be infatuated and attracted to people who we cannot have. You have to decide though, will this be something that drains and destroys you or something that empowers you.

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By what you wrote I'm understanding that this 40 yr old man and his girlfriend both know that you like him right? and they think that this is funny or cute? I agree you should talk to a parent. I have never liked a older man but a fried of mine in middle school had a crush on are gym teacher. Like you this man was old enouth to be her father. You know you can never have a relationship with this man and you have excepted that you need to move on now. I will take time and it hurts but trust me when I say that you are young and you will have many boyfriends in your life time. Spend time with friend and keep active to keep your mind off this guy and in time you will see that you think about him less and less.

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When you are of legal age and if they aren't attached ask any guy out you want to the movies, coffee, whatever.


This past year was the worst for me because I feel that I fell in love with someone who was married, we flirted the whole year and talked pretty intimately, I think he got the impression after emails and me always coming in at office hours, nothing came of it, if he were ever to make a pass at me I wouldn't hesitate to welcome it.

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