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Can a guy change his mind overnight?

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99% of the time, I think I attract the most strangest of all men . In any case, I have been talking to this guy for a little while. In anycase, he has been pursuing me like crazy! I do not mind it at all. In fact, I like it alot. When he calls and txt. messages me I respond to him and am happy to speak with him. I have also let him know that I like him. He has also let me know that he likes me as well. Well, I have learned that the biggest role for a lady to play is to reciprocate that which the man has done. So, that's what I did. Anyways, I spoke with this guy on the phone on Sat. because he kept txting me. We talked for almost an hour. When we were getting ready to hang up, he said that he would talk to me the next day. This conv. went really great. He was super sweet and I did not sense anything going awry. He even told me how excited he was that he would be spending time with me this week. So, the next day happened. As a side note, he usually will txt. me and tell me good morning. He didn't do that and infact, he didn't communicate with me all day. I didn't think anything about it until night time. It was then that I hadn't heard from him at all. So, I decided that I would just call him and say hi. So, I did. We talked for a little while. The conv. went well. I don't think he appeared too distant with me. In anycase, today is Monday and he hasn't txt'd me or called or anything like he was doing 2 days before. I know that I shouldn't be concerned at all. However, I don't know how I do, lol, but I end up attracting guys who change over night. Do you think that this guy is like the other ones who will stop talking all of a sudden? I totally wouldn't be overthinking this if this didn't happen to me before.

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Maybe he had something that came up this weekend. There are two things you can do. First of all, I always recommend you trust your gut. Is something just doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. You can find out what's going on, by simply be upfront in a non-accusing manner. Start out by asking what he's been doing, if he's ok, etc. If this elicits any story that would explain his 'change', then it's ok. If he doesn't open up, you can explain how you feel, and ask him if he still likes to go out this week or so.


Did you arrange a date or did you just agree to meet sometime this week?



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I've had the same thing happen to me, it leaves you wondering what went wrong....But just leave it be. If he's truly interested he'll call. Don't worry yourself with it. I know its hard, but worrying about it won't change anything.


I do think its possible that men can change their minds very quickly, as can women. For what reason, I don't know.


Give it some time. Whatever happens it'll be fine.

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do not think too much and do not analyze too much his behavior. This is just the beginning. You need to relax and let things happen like they will. It's not because he hasn't texted u in 2 days that u are not on his mind if he has a great feeling of u like u do of him.


Just let him call u or txt u and if he doesn't call him or txt him, but not too often. Sometimes guys are afraid and they prefer letting go then being hurt I think. So a little pressure is good, but not too much.

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