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Want peoples oppinion... (mainly guys please)

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Ok I have exema really badly on my leg and it's something that really gives me a self confidence kick. What I want to know is if you were getting on really well with a girl and might considering dating her would it put you off if you knew she had exema really badly? It's not like it's small it's huge and I do take care of it but sometimes it reacts badly to things.


I guess it's sort of a be compleatly honest please question... if the answer is yeah you'd be put off I won't be offended I want trueful answers.

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Excuse my ignorance but how does exema appear? I mean what kind of colouration, is the skin rough and flacky etc.?


To be honest unless I could actually feel it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. If it looks bad I might cringe at first and say 'Ouch' but it wouldn't pray on my mind.

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Needless to say it isn't as bad as that picture you posted DN and thank god it's not... poor person!


I am glad it is not.


Do you think it is affecting how people see you? Or are you just concerned that it may?

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That's it?


I can safely say that wouldn't bother me at all.


After going an image search on Google for dermatitis it can look pretty horrible but if your's is not even as bad as the picture on Wiki then I'd be fine with it. Really.

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Yeah I just checked it also, it doesn't look bad. The only thing I'd do is to do some research of my own to make sure it's not something that spreads, to make sure I won't get it also. And after that it wouldn't be a problem for me. Otherwise I'd look for the precautions to prevent it.

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Ok the deal is I don't wear skirts or shorts because I simply don't have the self confidence too. But if I do I'm taking a huge leap with someone especially if I like them as a prespective boyfriend.

I'm worried that I'm going to start getting on with someone and then they are going to get freaked out by it because I've seen the look on peoples faces when I used to wear skirts when I was younger which was why I stoped.

I am worried it's going to effect peoples veiws on me and it's actually really hurtful when it does. I've just had a huge allergic reaction to something so it's making me feel even more contious then normal basically immac hair removal cream made lovely holes in my skin... feel free to see pic. But it is normally not as bad as the pic I just took. That is my calf which is the only place I really get it now.

Thanks for your oppions I really aperciate it.

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It's not too bad. It's unusual and that's why people look. But someone attracted to you will soon ignore it. We always tend to magnify our flaws anyway.


If that is as bad as it gets - I don't think you should worry too much.

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I have eczema and I haven't heard any complaints from my 2 ex husbands or my wonderful Fiancee. People love you for who you are. Just tell them what it is and that it's not contagious and how it affects you, etc., and they should be ok.

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It's just makes me feel so.. unsexy is probably the word I'm going to look for. Most people worry like mad about their weight and their looks and how their hair and clothes are (in my area) but I'm more bothered about my skin and my heath.

I just feel so self aware right now that this has had me in tears I guess thats just part of being a girl though with the emotional side of things. I'm sure anyone who has exema gets um... self contious.


And as to what you said Q10 (just read it) thats the kind of reaction that um... I fear *laughs* Seriously it's not catching in the slightest but some people have in the past told me to keep away from them because they don't want it.


Edit: I guess your right Tigris anyone who is worth being in a relationship with wouldn't care. Maybe it's a blessing in descize at least I know their not after me for my legs *laugh*

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That's not as bad as the mental picture I had in my head, and as you said, that's it on a bad day. I know people will stare, people will always stare, people are... people, they're curious and indescriminate. But then again they're just people, of all the people that do stare the chances are you're never going to see any one of them again. Who cares if they judge you? Let them.


And to the people who have gotten freaked out by it, screw 'em. All of them. If they're going to sum you up based on a patch of skin on your leg then let them go, I certainly wouldn't want to be with anyone that single minded.

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Thanks for that infomation ^^


Edit Sylph that at least put a smile on my face because your right but the simple fact is that those people are out there. I'm probably too over sensitive on the issue. Maybe I need a self confidence boost more then anything. Must make that top prority next to going to the gym on sundays as well as weekdays..

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Edit Sylph that at least put a smile on my face because your right but the simple fact is that those people are out there. I'm probably too over sensitive on the issue. Maybe I need a self confidence boost more then anything. Must make that top prority next to going to the gym on sundays as well as weekdays..

No problem at all.


I think you should break yourself in to exposing yourself in public (that sounded a lot less dirty when I was writing it) in stages that you're comfortable with. You're in a good position to at least wean yourself to a point where you are comfortable because you can chose how much of it to show. I'd suggest taking maybe a long skirt and hitching it up at different levels, perhaps with safety pins or something. So basically you can chose how much you want to show and feel good about yourself. The best part is if you suddenly get pangs of insecurity you can just take the pins out and wear the skirt at full length.

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Thats actually a really good idea.. I used saftey pins for hot weather but never really thought of using them like that. I shall certainly use that idea when I go to the USA for 2 weeks because there is no way jeans are going to let me live in Orlando or Sacramento.

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well i mean if its nothing major, no it wouldnt because i know what it feels like to be put off because of a look. i would think "hey no ones perfect"...im not one for looks, i like personality. you cant be serious with someone you dont take seriously, ya know?

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I know this is not the same thing, but looked even worse than your eczema, but my daughter had shingles break out on her leg, from her thigh all way to her ankles. It was there for three months, and looked horrible at one point.


She never even gave in once to worrying about what people thought about it. She still wore her shorts and her skirts, proudly. The shorts and skirts, also helped ease the pain because she did not have anything rubbing against the affected area. Her NEW boyfriend at the time, did not have any problem with it at all. He never even acted like it was there she said.


I do not think you have much to worry about on people being scared or leery about your condition.

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If your face looks like it does in your avatar, I would not care the slightest about that problem. As a guy, I would be more interested in kissing your pretty face and feeling your hair through my hands, and would not care the slightest about some problem on your leg, so don't worry about it.

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It would bother me a little, a lot more if you scratched it, so dont do that.


Buy some cream that will get rid of it, and it should go in a few days


Had it for 21 years and look after it the best I can. I keep it down to a minimum. Don't scratch, if it's particulary itchy I will wear socks in bed so that if I do scratch it will not damage the skin and I keep my nails short at all times. I use cream 2 times a day and mosturise after I get out of the shower. The exzema is just on the lower leg and ocationally i get it a little on my arms and face. But thats userally in the winter.


The weather is so cold here and it takes a while in the summer to clear up properly and is also caused by stress. I'm not as stressed as I was when it was bad, it's getting better but I will always have scars even if it does one day go.


I'm really gratefull for all the advice that I've had so far.



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