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ldr break up, sorta. need advice

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my ex and i were in a ldr for 5 months, we live 2000 miles away. We've known and liked eachother for more than 4 years,, he's 20 , i'm 17 . He decided that he couldnt do the whole ldr so he calls it quits. i was blindsided and didn't expect it, He says he still still loves me, but cant do the whole distance thing. What am i suppose to think, 2 weeks ago, he texted me sayin that he loved me and didn't care how long it takes b4 we live together and that he wants to spend his life with me, How am i suppose to deal with this after all he's said. Months ago we had planned that after my year in college that i would move to be with him ( that wasn't the first and main reason) i love the country he's in , and want to work there. I guess all i'm askin is how to deal wit him and the situation because i still love him ?

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Well it doesn't sound like he knows what he wants. honestly if he TRULY was in love with you, he would wait (especially if you've made plans and are willing to move!!!!) he sounds fickle if he made plans with you then already ends it. I had an ex EXACTLY like that and he thought he knew what he wanted....but he didn't, and they can really get your hopes up when they do that, but sometimes their mouths speak before their brains. it shouldn't be only YOU willing to put in all the effort! if he already knows the future you could have together and isn't willing to wait....then I think you should consider someone more willing to put in 100% effort!

Good luck

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Hi michou,

I totally agree with Yvette. If your ex was serious about sharing a future and turning the plans you both made into reality, he would wait and not call it quits cos he "cant do the whole ldr" thing. My ex gave me the same reason and the fact that he is lonely when he dumped me after i was planning a move to the same city in a few months. You have to ask yourself this: Can you trust him and think he will keep his words this time? I know you still love him but you have to remember, he actually got cold feet within 5 months. Do you think he can actually wait for a year?

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