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don't read if you are easily grossed out

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Had to ask somebody though, anonymous internet forum seems like a good place. This has to do with wiping my * * * so don't read if you don't want to know about this stuff.

-- grossness space --














-- end grossness space --

I don't know how it happened but I got into the habit of running the toilet paper in the faucet whenever I wipe my * * *. This does a much better cleaning job than dry paper. Unfortunately in public toilets there is no convenient sink. I've done all sorts of weird stuff like take paper towels and pre-moisten them before closing the stall door. Sometimes when I take a messy dump that isnt enough. After flushing a couple of times I take the paper and dip it in the toilet then wipe. I'm less grossed out by putting a couple of fingers a recently flushed toilet than I am by having my crap fester in my * * *-crack all day. Of course I make sure there aren't any "floaters" beforehand and I wash my hands like 4 times afterwards.


Am I the only person in the world that does this? I feel like I have this stupid secret and if anyone found out I would be ostrasized from polite society.

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Given the huge diversity within human nature, I'm sure there are at least a few people who have such habits.


There isnt anything illegal or dangerous or harmful about what you do, but it speaks to me of obsessive compulsive disorder, as it takes up a fair bit of your thinking space, your time, it inconveniences you AND causes you suffering, right? So I think you have a psychological problem that needs treatment. You survived without all that extra personal hygiene, so it's your mental state that's changed.

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That was amusing how you spaced it for the "grossness space" LOL . But smart way to give people a chance to back off reading before it got the the questionable part.



I have never heard of anyone doing what you mentioned, but I am sure there are more out there that do.


I take it you are a guy from your name on here. If you were a female and carried a handbag or purse I would suggest carrying a travel packet of Wet Wipes or Baby wipes. But if you a guy its not likely you have a way to carry those around.

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Is it wrong that I'm instantly attracted to a thread titled "don't read if you are easily grossed out"?


I've never heard of this kind of behaviour before either but I'm leaning towards Antilove's opinion.


It does sound very much like obsessive compulsive disorder.

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Smiles... i was expecting something horrific with the suspense in that gap. smiles* i like that. But yeah, I just thing youve got an OCD. I dont think you should be ashamed of it. Alot of people have obsessive compulsive disorders of different types. I used to have a problem with eating infront of other people.. Its being able to tell yourself that its not actually such a big deal as what your making out to be and slowly edging away from a particular behaviour.


But, if your comfortable with it, and was merely curious whether other people were like that then dont change..

Maybe you could take wet wipes or theres new wipes for your body and then dispose of them at the bin aside. i think youll find it better than wetting a towel. youll feel and smell fresher. hopefully this helps.


but dont make yourself as someone weird. because your not. its just a behaviour youve adapted.



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First off, let me (virtually) shake your hand. Your post had me laughing my *** off. It wasn't because I was laughing at your habits, but rather it's how you write. You write in such a very frank and in your face manner and it takes something that very few people would discuss and puts it right out in the open. Don't change a thing.


Now seriously, if you are wanting advice? You survived earlier in your life without doing this and I'm fairly sure you could do it again if you wanted to go back. I have a habit of my own also that I have developed in recent years, that being I feel dirty if I don't shower twice a day. Used to be I would shower just once a day and I'd feel fine. I could go back to showering once per day and I'll be ok, but I will feel dirty to some extent. I think for me it's more of a mental "unwinding" for the day (in the evening shower) just to relax for a bit. Perhaps your condition if mentally relaxing you because you feel too dirty if you don't use wet TP. There's nothing wrong with you really; lots of people have their little quirks.

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Unless I have some sort of "rectally localized OCD" I doubt that is the problem. Aren't OCD people supposed to be neat? I use bugspray on the trashcan to kill the maggots rather than taking out the garbage. I use the sniff test to see if my clothes are ok to wear again rather than washing them.


Anyway this isn't a that I'm obsessed with or ashamed of. I'm just curious how many other people think like this. It isn't exactly something you discuss with the buds over beers.

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I think you're dismissing the possibility too easily. Not everyone with OCD is a Lady MacBeth ("Out, damned spot!").


Mental disorders do range in severity.


Perhaps you don't think it's that serious, maybe even a joke, but think to yourself what it would feel like if you didn't wet wash yourself after you went to tiolet. Does that thought make you more than a little bit uncomfortable?


If it does then you might have OCD. I'll repeat what's already been said about it, OCD itself isn't something to be ashamed of or anything, lots of people have it.

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Actually I think they make little individually wrapped moist towelettes that could easily be put in pocket or wallet to carry around with you. That would surely beat wetting the toilet tissue from the toilet waters.


Whether its a complusive thing with you, I have no idea.

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I actually had a conversation with my brother not that long ago about an almost identical thing! lol. Makes me laugh. You don't know him, so I'll just say you are in good company


Yeah, moist towelettes would work. Much easier. But, if that still isn't enough, and you find yourself still worried or developing further 'habits' to make sure that butt is clean...time to maybe re-evaluate.


What is it about so many of us having a trouble talking about bathroom habits, eh? Makes me ponder....

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ahh I'm glad someone asked this, NO, it is completely normal and you're not the only one!!! Actually, in our house, we have a special pipe that when you turn on, it sprays water "there". It's cleaner and it is usually in all the toilets in our culture because it is CLEANER. My parents don't feel comfortable without it, me it doesn't matter but whenever my friends come to my house they see the pipe and they ask me what the hell that is. When I explain them, they understand but for the first times, it's a big laughing material lol For the curious ones I can even take a picture and post it if anyone wants

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Well when I was like 9, I wouldn't take a dump in public restrooms, I took a shower after I took a dump, I washed my hands like every minute to where they would sometimes get dry depending on season, and windex was my friend. I'm pretty much laxed now, and I don't do all of those things anymore.


I even eat stuff off the floor, drink some random liquor on the table, share drinks and food with people.


The only thing is, I just can't stand a messy room, thats not bad is it?

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I can't eat stuff off the floor, drink random liquors, I don't share food with people. I sometimes share drinks depending on the person.. But my room is messy as hellll I don't think that's a "disorder".

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You dip the paper in the toilet? Wet paper cleans better? Cool. Whatever gets that stuff out. Sometimes I use a towel, because the little hairs make the toilet paper cling. One time I wiped with a leaf when I took a crap out in the woods. I guess I am as "crazy" as you. Looks like we both have obsessive compulsive disorder The only time I would worry about your sanity is if you played with your feces and made little shapes. I knew a guy in bootcamp who made snowmen. He didn't last too long.

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For me, I thought that using something moist is the way to make a clean finish. I use baby wipes when I am at home. Matter of fact, I leave them in the bathroom by the toilet and no one says anything. EVER! Personally, I don't like seeing skid marks in my panties. I would rather clean and go. However, dipping it in the toilet is a bit much. (I have never done that and probably won't ever do that) But, I have moisten a paper towel when in public. So...its cool everyone else just likes skid marks...I guess

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