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In desperate need of advice

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I know there seems to be a constant flow of threads about this, but I really think my problem is a little different. I'm 18 years old, almost done with high school. Recently, I've started experiencing problems getting erections and lack of sex drive. It wasn't terribly serious as I could still get hard when I needed to, so I didn't worry too much about it. Now, for the past week or so, I've lost almost all sex drive, and I simply can't get an erection at all. I realized it was a serious problem last night when I tried to have sex with my girlfriend and couldn't even get slightly excited. We've had sex plenty of times, so I know it's not because I'm nervous, especially since I can't get hard when I'm by myself either. I don't have alot of stress in my life, as I only have about 4 days left of school and have already secured a spot at a college. I'm pretty slim and don't have any health problems. Any insight into what could be causing this? I don't think ED happens in people as young as me...

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I don't think ED happens in people as young as me...


Yes, it does...and for a variety of reasons...some very serious, some not-so-serious.


It might be a bit embarrassing, but you need to get beyond the embarrassment and get checked out by a doctor. You can start with your regular doctor, who may refer you to a specialist.


Better to go, be a little embarrassed and find out it's a minor problem than not go and find out later you've ignored something very serious.

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ultra - Yes ED can happen to anyone at any age - i agree that you should make an appt to see your Dr.


This could be a symptom of something bigger. Could be mental too and you just haven't figured out what's buggin' you...but a medical Dr could prolly get a lot closer to a correct diagnosis then we can.


Where is HOUSE anyway??

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Hmmm, I bet it is only mental. If you had a high sex drive but no erections, then I would worry about body issues, but the lack of sex drive points more to a mental issue.


Whatever you say, I think you are downplaying the huge change that is ahead of you, college, and you may be trying to hide your emotions about it from yourself, and that may be why the problem is there once highschool is coming to an end.

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Sometimes a change in body functions is a clue of another problem, so seeing a doctor for a checkup is a good idea. It still could be psychological. You don't have to be upset to be stressed. Sometimes subtle emotional conflicts can do it, but if you aren't getting wood at night, it could be something physical.

I hope your little buddy wakes up.

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