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What am I doing wrong? Do I need to change?

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Hi, well I'm 16, and many of you would tell me not to worry about it, but I've never had a gf, and it makes me feel horrible that all of my friends seem to be able to find a gf at least 5 times of year. Anyways, I've heard that a few girls have been attracted me from my friends, so I'm pretty sure I'm not a complete loser. In fact, one girl that I really liked really liked me. Things were going great. In class, we would lock eyes and just stare at each other for seconds, we'd hang out and go on dates, have fun and joke around. All of my friends expected us to become bf/gf. I thought that for once in my life I would finally find love. But it all came to a crashing end. She pretty much just stopped talking to me, and wouldn't tell me why. I asked her friend and the friend said that she had found somebody else and that she thought I was too "quiet" for her and that she wanted someone who she could be crazy around. This made me feel like crap afterwards, and here I am now. So, what exactly am I doing wrong? Should I keep on being "who I am", and found someone who loves me for who I am, or should I change into a more outgoing, crazy,and cocky guy? Because it seems like 90% of guys who get all the dates match this criteria. I would appreciate any help, thanks!

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you dont need to change you just need to find a gal thats right for you becuse if you go with whome every you could end up like me very lonly and haveing gal not wanna date you becsue of what you did to your last gf

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Trust me when i was 16 i stressed about never having a girlfriend while some of my friends started dating when they were 13 or 14. I thought there was something wrong with me until i met my first love at age 17. We had a beautiful relationship for a little less than 3 years. We recently split up because we were both young and had to explore other options before really settling down. Now when i look back, my friends had numerous gf's but have never fallin in love. Remember quality over quantity.


Don't worry, let things happen naturally. Its actually funny, during the time i met my first love i wasn't even looking for a gf. I actually gave up. But we found each other and the time we spent together was priceless. So keep your head up and just let things happen naturally. You will meet her.

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Well you are right in the fact that it is you who are doing something wrong. Cudo's to you for accepting that part. As for what you are doing wrong... good question.


I don't know your story or how you act, but I would wager that you do a lot of things that I once did. Read the link in my signiture. It's to a thread I started in attempt to help guys realize what they are doing wrong. Read that and then let us know if any of that sounds like you at all.

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Hey thanks for the advice. I think that some of it pertains to me. I've just sort of been thinking of my whole situation,and I realize now that she could have been on the rebound. After all, she broke up with her boyfriend of a year just a month before we met. So, I don't think that I necesarily messed things up, it was just never meant to be in the first place. But I do agree that I can take some of your advice and apply it to me. So, thank you!

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no you don't need to change; a lot of girls like quiet guys.


Yeah, if they're good looking. Otherwise... not.


Anyway, being sixteen, I think you shouldn't worry too much about having a girlfriend. Most sixteen year olds do not have the maturity to keep a relationship together. I think at that age, having a romance would only serve as a distraction from your obligations and responsibilities.

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