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The love of my life left me and I want him back...

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I had been seeing this guy, Matt, for almost 8 months. It isn't long, but long enough to know that he is the one I want to be with forever. Even the odd events that caused our meeting makes it seem as though we were meant for each other.

I was talking to a not-friend of mine online and I told her to bother one of my annoying (at the time) ex-b/fs. She did and then he (Pip) told her to bother Matt because Matt had warned Pip. (Pip asked Matt to warn him - Pip is weird - but I love him ^-^ hehe) Pip knew Matt cause they were both trombone players in the high school band, though Matt had graduated that year and Pip and I were just entering the 9th grade.

Anyway, so the not-friend bothered Matt and they ended up going out on a date cause my not-friend is weird and begged, et cetera. Well, they got back from the date and the not-friend told me to talk to Matt online cause he was weird and I was weird and we would like each other. So I did. Matt and I had everything in common. We both had such similar interests.

So I see it that it was my fault that Matt and I met in the first place, if you trace it back to when I told my not-friend to bother Pip.

Anyway, now for why Matt left me.

He first said it was because I was psycotic. Finally, last week he told me the real reason. He said it was because we could never have a non-just-physical relationship. I know we could because we have so many things in common, he just doesn't want to accept that.

I know he is scared. He blocked me online and says he doesn't want to talk to me because he will start to like me again and then forgive me and take me back.

I am so confused on how to get him to talk to me again (at least) or to take me back. I know I can make it work out if he gives me another chance (which I already asked for). I just need to know how to get him to give me that chance without seeming "psycotic" to him.

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The rules to getting a bf/gf back:


1) As ridiculous as this sounds, the best way to get a guy back when they are trying to run away....is to pull back. I know it sounds ridiculous, but its true.


If you chase him and keep trying to get in touch with him, etc. he is going to need to keep running from you. But if you back off, stop calling, stop emailing, just stop! He'll begin to wonder whats going on, that you don't need him anymore? And people can't stand feeling not wanted or needed.


2) Get a life that doesn't involve him. Again, sounds ridiculous, but if he sees that your no longer calling him and then he comes looking for you and your just "too darn busy" to be with him...he is going to say to himself...oh my, this girl is pretty cool - I can't lose her!!


And, if worse comes to worse and he doesn't come back...you've already got this other life going and you no longer need him!!!


3) By no means ever tell him you love him or miss him or need him, etc. during a break-up. He is breaking up with you and DOES NOT want to hear this! He will need to pull away from you more because of it...see rule number one!


Good luck!

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