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i asked for breaking up..iam in hell

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how can u ask your ex to get back again to eachothers when u were the one who asked for breaking up,especially when your ex is a very self confident man,that can easily get a girl&have never been rejected...

would i lose my dignity if i asked him back,iam afraid to be rejected by him ,although it was his fault that made me break up with him in the first place.but he is too proud to say so. but i can't deny the fact that i still want him..but how can i tell him this without hurting my pride.

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If he is too proud to apologize for whatever he did wrong or take the blame and you think he'll reject you because of his ego - why do you want to be with him again?


Entering an old relationship with unresolved issues is never a good thing.

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You should just call your ex and ask whether he would be interested in talking things over. I understand that this may be hard for you since you were the one who broke things off. But I agree with DN on this one, pride shouldn't matter. Your fear of rejection could be more valid. But I say, it's always better to know where things stood, then agonizing over what could happen. Good luck.

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You can't.


So what is more important to you - being with the man you love or denting your pride?


Pride does not make you happy nor does it offer you love, support and understanding.


This is a very smart response IMHO.


Don't be a fool and let your head get in the way of your heart.


Go for it!!

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thank u all for replying..actually i believe that i didn't make a mistake&that it was really because of his actions that iasked for separation...well it's a long story ,i've been with him in a long distance relationship for almost three years now,i've seen him three times through those years,i thought we were getting closer at first but everyday i feel more &more away although he proposed to marry me&i agreed ,but he's not the kind of persons that care alot ,call me alot,even though it's very easy..he didn't even wanna chat ,he always said,iam busy..lately things have been getting more &more complicated in my mind..i felt that he just wanted to marry someone from his own country,he just wanted to settle down,so..i felt that i wasn't there in his heart..i mean me ..my thoughts,my dreams,my heart, my needs...i talked to him alot about this but he kept telling me that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me&when we r together,it'll be better.but i came to a point when i was sure that we r not meant to be...so i asked for separation,at first he asked for another chance,but i didn't feel any change after it,so this time i told him we have to split..&he agreed, last time he called me,he said lets not talk about this anymore!

NOW..after almost 2 months,iam starting to feel that i was too harsh on him&that maybe it was really out of his hands&when we get together(as was planned at few months from now)maybe we could be closer,he could be better to me..so that's why i want him back..because of all the things that i originally loved about his character,while ignoring the things i hate in it.iam sorry this is long ..thank u for reading..

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