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AARRGHH Broke NC last nite

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Well it had been nearly 2 months since the split iv done really well but yesterday i was out drinking and seen some of my ex's friends and all the good memorys stating flowing through my mind. When i got home i sent her a sms just a short one saying hi there hows u?, hows your new job going?. i feel even worse now because iv had no reply i havnt really missed her that much over the last 2 month but now am starting 2 really miss her and want her back so badly i feel so lonley without her i want 2 tell her all this but i think she dosnt want enything 2 do with me. Its crazy because i don't feel like this every day is this normal ?????

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Give it a couple of days and you'll start to feel strong again. I did this a few yrs back after 3 months NC. I got no reply. It took a few days but I was soon feeling strong again. It's probably a good thing she didn't reply becuase now you're that bit closer to getting over her. Just think about how you would have felt had she responded and given you some sort of false hope. Just go back to NC and you'll soon be fine.

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Thanks rob am just really cut up 2day can't get her out of my head i would of preffered her 2 message me back then at least it would of showed she cared at least a tiny bit. Am not sure if i still love her but i still really miss being with her i think am missing her 4 all the wrong reasons and i should really let go but its just soo HARD

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