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ugh I don't know why my mom is flipping out

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I was supposed to go to work this morning at like 6:30 and my boss was going to pick me up on his way. With all the "events" that happened last night, I couldn't sleep at all last night for more than a half hour. Well, when I woke up at 6, I called my work and told them I was really sick and couldn't come in. Finally around 6:30 when I was still in bed, my mom called to see what I hadn't left and I told her I called out because I was so tired.


So, about a half hour ago, she got into a huge fight with my dad over it and now she won't talk to me unless we're fighting. I seriously have no idea why she's so mad. Since I started working there, other than having 2 weeks off when I had the miscarriage and calling out once when I was really sick, I've gone to work every day or night and I've been working there since December.


What can I say or do to justify what I did?

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He posted that sort of thing on several threads - avman has removed them and the 'member' has been banned. Please don't take it personally - it was just an idiot passing through and leaving his trail of dirt behind him.

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hmmmm, I think its sad when people think they have to use anger to "try" and get their message heard...its all a dance to get a response, thats all.....tell her you will only communicate in a healthy, non abusive way. She does have a choice, she just chooses to use an abusive way that was probably shown to her in her younger years..... Leave her with it.........Its good to see you dont accept it as "normal".............Pete

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I'm sorry if you think you mom was flipping out, but you did lose a set of twins (I'm sooooooooooo sorry), but given this especially I'm wondering why you think your parents wouldn't care!

Parents fight for many reasons, but for "God's Sake", can't you see that this is tearing them up???

I don't want anything less than the best for my kids and think this is truly where this is coming from.

We all want our children to be responsible and productive, so it's not out of the ordinary that they would be stressed to the max!!!

Sometime's it's hard to be calm and talk when your emotions are all over the map, so you guy's have to really try as hard as you can to have some communication.

From your post I am gathering that you are an "Emancipated Minor."

After you got pregnant and lost your babies, don't you think this affected your parents in the "Deepest Way????"

I'd be sick for a long time if this happened to one of my children.

I could say a million things about related issues, (not miscarriage with a child of mine) but my oldest daughter getting pregnant and told me 4 days before she turned 17.

In summary for this specific thread, your parents want you to be responsible and are probably blaming themselves for it! I'm sorry this makes for fighting between them and think you should talk to them, cuz why should they fight over you?

Be a good girl and get things clear with them, as it's pretty sad that you could just let them continue to fight.

If you are on your own, you especially need to let them know that you can handle your own and that you don't want them to fight about you.

You all have to have communication and work through alot of serious emotions here.


Good Luck! Lita~


God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Courage To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me!


Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Something New Is A Day Wasted!" Lita~

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Sorry, I made that confusing. I'm still pregnant. It was twins and I only miscarried one of the babies. I'm almost 16 weeks pregnant with one healthy baby still.


My parents are very supportive of me and having this baby. Also, the father is moving in with me at the end of the school year.


but, this post was not about me being pregnant. It was about why my mom flipped out when I called out of work this morning.

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....back to the subject of your mom flipping out...


Depends on what "events" led up to you being up all night.


If you were up all night because you were legitimately sick, then I doubt they'd be giving you a hard time.


If you were up all night dinking around online, talking on the phone, or otherwise engaged in some kind of entertainment/social activity, then I can see where they're coming from. I'm guessin' your parents might have a very strong work ethic. If they do, then they might not believe that taking a "mental health day" is a right or proper thing to do. It has to do with responsibility for your actions and your choices. Basically, you knew you were expected to be at work early, yet you chose to engage in activities that had you up all night. From the point of view of someone who has a really strong work ethic, that's an irresponsible thing to do.


They may be afraid that if you "get away" with this once, you may make it a habit. Some people do get into that habit -- calling in sick when they're not really sick because they just don't feel like going to work. If they do that often enough they usually wind up getting fired.


If you know it was a one-time occurrence, I'd just let whatever grief your parents are giving you roll off your back and prove 'em wrong over time by NOT making it a habit. Personally, I think taking the occaisional "mental health day" isn't a huge crime. However, if you're not really too ill to go to work, you might want to take the "mental health day" in a way that won't inconvenience your employer/co-workers too much -- by taking a slow day off, and giving more notice that you won't be there and so forth.

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All of what you said was true except for the "work ethic" thing. My dad got mad last August and busted up our brand new kitchen and my mom took him to the hospital to get his head checked and he ended up basically forcing the doctor to put him on medical leave.


He was only supposed to have 3 months off. It's April and he's still out of work. So yeah.


I have never made it a habit to take off work. I have a baby on the way, I need the money. I was in my house by 10 last night, in bed by 10:45. I kept replaying the events of last night over and over in my head because I had so much fun but was so confused that I just never was able to fall asleep.

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Y'know, it could be something as simple as your mum is stressing out right now. It's so easy to turn around and vent at our family - you're kind of like an easy target (you were around, basically).


Most important is you don't take it to heart too much. I'm sure it will blow over. Just focus on you. You need to take things easy and not be too upset; for your health and the baby.


You have a lot on your plate, girl, and I admire how well you are doing with all this. One day of rest was probably much needed.


Sorry things are so stressful. Take it easy on yourself and try not to think about it too much, ok?

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