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LOL- I was just on amazon looking at the customer reviews for the book shes2smart recommended and came accross this lovely gem (enjoy):


"I had big hopes. this just had basics like single fisting. I was graduating into triple fisting, foot insertion, turkey fisting, rebirthing etc. This is kinda a book for neophytes, this is not what you would expect for a pro like myself who can easily stick both hands and a lobster in my cooter".


I'm not one to judge...but holy moly!


All I can say is ouch!





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agent, you managed to hit the nail on the head on the appeal of this to me. I think it could be a very intimate and strong sharing experience, in an atmosphere that would be already secure in trust and good communication. There is that - and , well, the orgasm!


Have to admit, I was giving, not recieving and it was intense for me, and for him, well, it took a while to get verbal again. So definate emphasis on aftercare.


Have fun.

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Whatever people choose to do in their own bedrooms is of no concern to me. But, at the same time, when you put your sex life out there and ask for feedback, there are bound to be some skeptics. There would be no room for judgements or comments if what happened in the bedroom stayed in the bedroom.


My boyfriend's fist would never make it. His hands are huge! I don't see the appeal or arousal-factor in this practice whatsoever, so can't give any first-hand experience advice.


But ... common sense would tell me that, if fisting was something I wanted to try, that I'd probably talk to my doctor first. He or she will probably let you know how to do it properly.

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Generally it is almost always the measurement of the pelvic outlet (the bones) that determine whether or not a woman will be able to deliver a child vaginally.


These measurements are usually taken during pregnancy because progesterone relaxes the "joints" of the pelvis and enlarges it, changing it's shape from our pre-pregnancy shape, and the measurements would not be accurate before pregnancy.


That's why some women may notice that after childbirth, their hip countour may seem slightly wider and different than before they were pregnant.


You may be surprised what a woman who seems "tiny" can pass out of her vagina! I have a friend who is 5' 2" and 100lbs before she got pregnant who just delivered a 9lb baby (her first) 6 weeks ago. She was pretty certain she would have to have a C-section, but she didn't end up having to.


There are also positions and exercises a pregnant woman can do that can help widen her pelvic outlet.


(lil off the subject-sorry!)

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Yes..thats true..but the word FISTING to ME is not in ANY way sexually 'AROUSING'...sorry.........


That's fine but why did you start responding to this thread in the first place if you have no interest in it? People normally post and/or comment on things they either know about, have experience with or are curious about, which of these best describe your purpose for posting? I suggest if you don't care for a topic of a thread, stay away from it so those who are can have a discussion without negative comments or belittling.



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I personally do not find it arousing, but i know some people who do. And with the c-section thing ... the women gets measured around half way through the pregnancy. Then again near the end of the pregnancy.


I came and looked in here, to see how others found it so arousing and to see how normal it was. But i guess its very normal!

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I came and looked in here, to see how others found it so arousing and to see how normal it was. But i guess its very normal!


After reviewing the thread, I think the consensus has been "it's not for me, but what people do in their own bedroom is none of my business."


On the actual count of who's claimed personal experience (and this might not be 100% accurate, as I've just done a very quick review)....


1-receiving (me)

1-giving (agent)

1-considering (OP)


I interpreted slightlybent's input not as experience with fisting per se, but with his ex-wife having trouble giving birth and having to have a c-section instead of a vaginal delivery. The reasons for the difficulty she had would be things that could come into play if someone was considering fisting.


After re-reading agent's posts, it would appear she's talking about anal fisting as she referred to her partner as "he." If he's a he and he's got a vagina, I see Ripley's Believe It Or Not in the boy's future.


So, I doubt there are all that many people doing it. I'd hazard a guess there are more people who haven't heard of it/considered it than have heard of/considered it.


When I first heard of vaginal fisting...back when I was just beginning my adventures in Kinkland....I couldn't wrap my mind around the concept. But that's true of many things I've done since I "discovered" my kink. Upon first hearing of various activities I'd be thinking "no way, no how." Then over time, with the right person(s) and right situation I'd get curious enough to try it (whatever the "it" happened to be at the moment). There are also activities that have consistantly remained "no way, no how" but that list of 'hard limits' is shorter than I originally imagined it would be. (basically no kids, no animals, no toilet functions, no blood, no multiple sex partners)


It's not a frequent activity for us, but the times we have done it, it's been very intense both physically and psychologically. Not everyone wants that kind of intensity. Or they achieve their desired amount of intensity in different ways. Some people get that rush from having knock-down drag-out screaming fights then having "make-up" sex....now, that sort of thing just makes me cringe.


I've always been an "intensity junkie" of sorts. In most of my previous relationships, this has been a sore point -- my exes for the most part weren't willing to go to a lot of the places I feel driven to go. Not only in a sexual sense but in an emotional, spiritual, mental, intellectual, encompassing-all-areas-of-life sense. It was my good fortune to (eventually....) meet someone who shared the same drive to go beyond what many people are content with.


I suspect many people are perfectly happy and satisfied with their sexual lives sticking to just the mainstream "normal" activities, and that's cool. However, some of us are wired a little differently. As I've said here before, an average Saturday night at our house would have most people screaming in horror, calling the police, an ambulance or both. But it works very well for us.

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Isn't the vaginal canal or birth canal the same "material" if you will, as the penis or anus - in a way? Meaning that it can stretch and contract a million times with out really ever getting "stretched" out? I mean, doens't it ALWAYS go back to its original size?


Erectile tissue - or something like that.


Stretching was a concern of mine when I starting having babies, but above is how my Dr explained it to me. 'Course he could've been making stuff up, some people do that...

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I interpreted slightlybent's input not as experience with fisting per se, but with his ex-wife having trouble giving birth and having to have a c-section instead of a vaginal delivery. The reasons for the difficulty she had would be things that could come into play if someone was considering fisting.


I should have put the quote in there sorry. What I said was more directed at itsallgrand asking about how they determine whether or not the woman can pass the baby through the birth canal.


Also i understand what you mean about the intensity of everything. Im just saying ... its not for me. I tried it and disliked it. Doesnt mean others cant have fun though. Obviously others have fun doing it, i just never realised more people do it than i thought!

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Isn't the vaginal canal or birth canal the same "material" if you will, as the penis or anus - in a way? Meaning that it can stretch and contract a million times with out really ever getting "stretched" out? I mean, doens't it ALWAYS go back to its original size?


Erectile tissue - or something like that.


Stretching was a concern of mine when I starting having babies, but above is how my Dr explained it to me. 'Course he could've been making stuff up, some people do that...


Ive been told that yes it usually goes back to approximately the same size but not back to how you were before you had your first child?!?!?!?

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Sorry, but can't resist BellaDonna:


Heck, if I ever wanted to have wild sex while swinging from a chandelier, why should someone tell me I can't?


You can't if the chandelier isn't firmly anchored into the ceiling ...Sorry, but safe is safe!! *grins*


As for a response to the initial thread, I've given this to somebody. I have relatively large hands, but when actually doing this I kept my hand tightly curled with my fingertips and thumb packed tightly together to make more of a gradual taper. Used lots of lube and took lots of time. It didn't work the first few times we tried but eventually it did. It took a while, and I could feel her slowly loosening. From the givers perspective it actually feels totally incredible once it happens. Afterwards (I mean in the following days) it wasn't really possible to tell that we had done that, and the few odd times we did it again it was very similar to the first time. Subsequent to that (many years ago now) I have had two additional partners express far more than a passing interest.



As I've said here before, an average Saturday night at our house would have most people screaming in horror, calling the police, an ambulance or both.


*giggles* And here I am thinking people on the street outside our house must wonder what on earth goes on sometimes. Totally odd that we've never woken the kids up, or perhaps they just pretend to be asleep because they just don't WANT to know!!

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Isn't the vaginal canal or birth canal the same "material" if you will, as the penis or anus - in a way? Meaning that it can stretch and contract a million times with out really ever getting "stretched" out?
a million times, poopy girl? i can't see too many people volunteering for that study.
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With the partner that I actually did it with, it evolved over a long time. There wasn't actually a discussion about it ahead of time, it was more a realization and discovery. When I fingered her I noticed that she liked the feeling of being full. Over time I used more fingers, and she would press against my hand as if she wanted more. So gradually, I did more and more. If things went a little too far I could tell, she would become uncomfortable and pull off a bit. Eventually in doing this it sort of happened one day and I think I was as surprised as she was. Again, she was obviously extremely turned on with being so full.


With the second person (who we didn't actually get that far as we weren't together for a particularly long time) she said to me one day that she'd sen a video, found it a huge turn on and wanted to try it.


With my current partner, it's a matter of asking what each other would like, being open about fantasies etc. She also likes being full and feeling herself stretch around something, so one day I asked if she'd like to try and she agreed that sometime it is something she wants to as long as it's careful and taken slowly.

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I have to admit that fisting is a big turn on to me. I have never done it but me and my exhusband tried it a few times. He never got fully in but he got close and the "feeling" was almost delightfully unbearable. I absolutely loved it. I am looking forward to finding someone that will be able to do it one day...

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