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when do u know if you are being too jealous?

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hey i have a question and i need answers when do u know when you are being too jealous. ok my husband is younger than me and sometimes when i get on here he says things like the computer has my wife's soul but when he gets on here he goes into a chatroom and chat with people i dont do that but if i say something about it we get into a little agurement so can someone help me please i know he loves me but he knows i have been in some bad relationships

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I'm so sorry Hon, but chatrooms are really bad from the few experiences I've had and told my husband that it's nothing but sex and dirt!!!!


Back in the day when I used to download music from Napster I went to a chatroom to ask for technical advice at the time and was ignored as all that was happening was strictly dirt! and the same thing on AOL chat when I had dial-up back in the day!!!


Never went back and just pigs of people with no self-esteem or any person of substance.


"Real People" don't go there as it is nothing but degridation and porn crap, so whomever lives there, I'm so sorry for your soul!!!!


Everyone likes to have somebody pay attention to them, but there's a difference in good or bad attention.


Even though it doesn't seem like the whole story is out, I am very surprised that your husband would have a problem with you being on a "Very Clean and Honest Forum!"


Do you tell each other everything????


Sounds like "No" and who was the first one to be doing any of this on the internet.


Is it retaliation of one over another???


I know how destructive that jealousy can be from my first marriage and learned alot along the way.


I will PM you and get into this further, but it really doesn't have to be this way and maybe you can work it out, but honest communication is the key.


Sounds like you guy's are going off in different directions and is not a good sign.


You either grow together or apart, but serious honest communication can get you back on track!!!


Forgiveness is always a plus, since there are many that make mistakes and have total regret!


They see the error of their ways and if you can work through these things together, you will be all the stronger in your relationship for it!!!


Good Luck! Lita~


God Grant Me The Serenity To Accept The People I Cannot Change, The Wisdom To Change The One I Can and The Wisdom To Know It's Me!


Quote: "A Day You Don't Learn Anything New is A Day Wasted!"



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Are you active out of the house a lot? Are you on the computer too much in general, or too long at times?


He may just be wanting you to be a little more active. I don't think if he's saying it "owns my wife's soul" that you're using it for an hour here or there, but maybe a little too much. Or maybe when he sees you, you just so happen to be on it.


Even if it's something you like, it really is kind of... time consuming and disconnected from the outside world (even if he's chatting when HE is on it) and to some people it looks bad. I don't really mind it myself.


I think the best way to retaliate to his comments are to turn it into a joke. Just laugh and agree-- just to try it and see how he lightens up. Another idea could be using it less when he's around to see you on it.

ANOTHER thing could be he's wanting you to be on it less so he can chat, but I don't know enough about him to say that and really mean it-- it's just a thought.

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