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i've done that for the past 5 months. the problem is I always know that it's there in the back of my head. this sounds so retarded but i kinda know i have to get rid of it but something inside of me keeps saying no. i think it's my heart and my head fighting with each other. who knows. blah

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it's been in my trunk for a while. that and having her phone removed from my contract are the last remnants, not counting little tiny things that i'm sure i could find around the house but...oh yeah and the cat she got me which is the constant reminder. great huh? yeah i feel ridiculous.

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I don't think it's good to hang on to any of that stuff. For the time being, put it in a box then get it out of sight for awhile. Take some time for the sting to wear off then decide what you want to do. Personally, I got rid of all the stuff that my g/f of five years gave to me. One day I decided to shred the stuff at work so I did. I haven't regretted it at all. I have kept a few nice gifts she gave me but that's it. It seems like keeping that stuff just rehashes old memories. It keeps you from moving forward by hanging on to the past.

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maybe my heart doesn' want to let go but my brain is telling me to. im retarded


dave, try to stop beating yourself up over this. you are human with feelings and emotions. beating yourself up over what to do with your ex's stuff is only self-defeating. give it some time, i am sure you will figure out what to do with it.


hang in there!

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Personally, I am also one of the people who just took everything she'd ever given me and chucked it in the trash. I don't regret it even a tiny bit.


If i were you, I'd do the same. If that stuff is still bothering you so much after so long, I don't see what burying it or giving it to a friend is going to do, because in the back of your mind you're still going to know it's there. If I were you, I would toss it out, and immediately get about moving on to other girls and other adventures. This isn't healthy, man.

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You are not retarded! First - stop forsing yourself to burry yor feelings and feeling guilty because you are still feeling lausy. The sooner you admitt yourself that you are allowed to feel like s... you are going to start healing.

And you don't have to throw these things, if not ready jet, so don't force yourself. But to drive them around in your trunk is such a bad idea because you can constantly see them as a reminder.

You can give it all to your friends - because you don't need all this stuff anymore and maybe some of your friends could use those things you want to throw, or simply if it's clothes you can give it to charity or something...there must be someone who needs the same thing you want to get rid off (that way you could do something nice and at the same time help yourself). And what you can't give away because it has no practical use or is personal just throw away when you are ready.

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this is probably a lot simpler than i'm makin it out to be. i guess i should just chuck it.


Funny story i actually was going to kinda do it yesterday but there was an inchworm on my trunk, i picked it up and let it crawl on my finger for a little bit and before you know it i had forgotten to throw the stuff away. Now i am second guessing it today lol.


oh well, all in time i'm sure one day i'll just pickup and make the decision to do it.

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Your post reminded me of another post someone wrote about saving sentimental items:


My advice about these things has always been them away! lol


Memories are in your heart, mind, and soul, and you do not need material items to validate them. If you feel having those things around weighs you down or makes you feel sad- chuck it.


I'm a firm believer in purging unnecessary things/items. Maybe you can compromise and keep one item that is particularly special and get rid of the rest.




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