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All I can say is wow, time really does fly by. Its 12 months since things ended and I've come a long way. I remember going through every type of emotion you can think of, anger, pain, sadness, confusion. I think I'm around 70% healed for lack of a better term. The rest 30% will be me working on making myself a much better person. Someone people will enjoy being around and talking to. There's alot to be happy for in life than wasting time on the past, and since no one can change their past why dwell on it. I wanted to give myself a year before I at least start dating again and so far things are good. I feel like I'm finally graduating so to speak. I gave myself 12 months and I kept to my goals. Hopefully someone nice and great comes my way.

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I am very happy for you! It's been over a year for me and I am starting to break free from the pain...

You will love again! Stronger than ever! This experience was a great lesson and you will come out of this mess a much better person!

Hugs, Buba

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  • 1 month later...

Here I am again...

After a long while of not posting...

It's been over a year and a half since my husband left me.

5 months since our divorce was final...

God! I am finally free from this pain!

I enjoy my life and the people in it now...

No crazymaking, no emotional abuse, no control!

I am so free!

Never thought I will be at this place! I met someone...

He is beautiful. He is everything that my ex wasn't. And he treats me with such respect...

I was broken, depressed, suicidal...

I thought that I will never recover from this pain.

I am glad that he left me...my life is so much better without him.

I guess, karma works in misterious ways...

I am recieving threatening calls from a private number every couple of days lately. It's a female. She calls me degrading names (his language) and hangs up on me...

Damn! I guess he drove someone else insane! Soooo glad it's not me!

Just wanted to check in and let you all know that I've come a long way...

Awareness brings change!

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  • 4 weeks later...

it's been a long road for you buba but...


if you go back and look where you started and see and remember the pain you had and now look where you are.


that's great.


things did get better. aren't you glad you didn't kill yourself or do somehting stupid?

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