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I dont know what to do!!


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My god, where do I start....


Wait....if you think its stupid to date online, FRICK YOU! I can get a hot girl around where I live, but this girl....man...I love her.


Well, lets start here.

Last Saturday, I met a girl that I thought she was just gonna be like all of those other online friends. I got to know her better and better, she was really awesome, and we stayed up until about 5:00 into Sunday morning just talking and flirting!


The next day, stupid of me, I asked her out She said no, but she said to ask in 2 weeks. the next few days we stayed up until late sunday, and monday mornings, flirting once again. Wednesday we just talked, but eh that doesn't matter.


Today, I stayed home from the horrendous place- School because my mom let me stay home. I got on MSN like I always do when Im online, and a few hours later, about 10, shes on! She said she didnt go to school because she didn't want to. We talked and talked and flirted and flirted until about 1:00. I then decided to do something I did before...ask her out. She was like 'hmmmm.....' then a few moments later, she was like YES!!! I loved that answer so much, i couldnt stand it...lol. We kept on flirting up until about 7.


The thing that broke my heart...but will be repaired in two weeks is this: She said she would get on at 10:00 again later that day, but I found out like at 9:00 that her father took her cpu to get it fixed. I can't believe it. I'm miserable at school already cause i cant talk to her, I can't imagine 2 weeks without her!!! I know most men dont cry, but I feel like doing exactly that. We know all we need to know about each other, we love each other SO much. We want to meet each other so bad...even though I live in West Virginia and she lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, think that makes me think I will never see her? Hell no! I'll see her as soon as I get the chance. What should I do while I wait?!..All I wanna do is sleep the next 2 weeks away!



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Well if you could get her phone number you could talk to her that way. Or email and on msn if she gets the chance go get on a school or friends computer. And be careful dating online. And a neat thing to do would be to send letters, obsolete but still they mean a lot more than an email. But I dont know how she'd react to asking her for her address. Anyhow good luck.

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Well if you could get her phone number you could talk to her that way. Or email and on msn if she gets the chance go get on a school or friends computer. And be careful dating online. And a neat thing to do would be to send letters, obsolete but still they mean a lot more than an email. But I dont know how she'd react to asking her for her address. Anyhow good luck.


Thanks to you both.


Now, about getting her phone number- she lives in a different country. Oh well though, Ive always wanted to move there when I get older anyways. And believe me, shes not joking. I know shes a girl. shes not some freak that cant get a life. lol

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