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A little silly.About brushing your teeth

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lol...it will definitely help, it really will. but genetics, and diet also have a lot to do with the integrity of your teeth. keep up the good work, and you will have success. some say use flouride, some say the side effects are not worth it.


one thing i wish someone had told me when i was younger....don't use your teeth for anything other than chewing food (such as bottle caps...)


good luck

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It depends on how plaque builds up on your teeth. You may be lucky and get away with once a day brushings, but it's far better to brush twice a day to keep the plaque buildup down (at least, it's that way for most people). Best not to find out the hard way.

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They suggest twice a day because that should work out to be every 12 hours for example. As you sleep saliva and food residue can pool at your gums and start eating your teeth....brushing before you go to bed and after you wake up can help remove and reduce the risk of this happening.


I definitely do believe you should floss your teeth at least once every two days, but every day if you have teeth that are more tightly spaced. Most cavities actually begin between the teeth or at the gum line, which flossing helps with - also keeps down unsightly plaque!


When used correctly, electric toothbrushes like Oral-B are more effective at removing daily build up. They are also handy as they have the 2 minute timer...most people tend to believe they brushed for two minutes, when really it was more like 30 seconds...


It is possible to overbrush your teeth though - my dentist sees this fairly often which leads to receding gums and even worn enamel (more common with excessive use of electric brushes).

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I know this is going to sound like a really silly question.Dentists say that you should brush your teeth twice a day.My ques.is,do you think brushing just once a day along with flossing and using mouthwash would be enough?


no..... a min of 2 times a day.. you should really be brushing after each meal. before bed and in the mornings.

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