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Odd Situation

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well I met this person online and they live where I go to school and work... we hit it off well and have alot of common interests but I don't want to throw it all away in an discussion online.

is it awkward to ask her to coffee or for her number in a brief chat?

just curious and thanks!


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i just think throwing text and possible connection away on a chat program is really pointless.


i agree wholeheartedly. i think its too weird if you're trying to get to know someone. you should ask to meet, you know somewhere public, so she doesn't get scared, etc. or ask if you can call her? youll need to progress. otherwise it's called stagnation, and you know what comes after stagnation? festering...lol... and that's just not good.

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For online chats and stuff, it's better for the guy to give the girl his phone number. Yeah its sexist, but it'll make her feel a little more at ease about not having to share personal information.


And you have to ask her out sometime right? Coffee is nice, because a coffee date is in a public area, and can be as short or as long of a date as you need it to be.

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